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  1. auntkaren

    Someone help me understand what happened

    My parameters started going silly on my 24G too. Mine was alk and ph mostly. This happened when my tank had been running for about 6 months. I've seen several posts where people's tanks start doing whacko things sometimes killing critters and the reefer has done nothing different or added...
  2. auntkaren

    Are there anyother tangs that......

    You don't want to put 2 of the same types of tangs in the tank. There are 4 types that I have found info on; Acanthurus, Zebrasoma, Ctenochaetus, Nsao. Look at their scientific names and put one of each type and you should not have too much trouble. You might also put them all in at the same...
  3. auntkaren

    I Got Crabs

    We bought a pistol shrimp. Is the snapping like 5 snaps in a quick succession? If so it's a pistol shrimp. They are awesome critters and if you get a shrimp goby you will see a wonderful friendship created. They share a tunnel and the pistol shrimp works it's little tail off creating a...
  4. auntkaren

    New To Saltwater, Ready To Throw Towel In

    How are you doing now Renegade? Are you feelin' better?
  5. auntkaren

    Why do feather dusters...

    My feather duster has done the same thing....I'd like to see the reason why too. Has yours done this before?
  6. auntkaren


    Why do some tangs have a black line in their eye? It's called genetics! LOL
  7. auntkaren

    New To Saltwater, Ready To Throw Towel In

    You can get those trate readings down by doing water changes daily...small ones like 10%. Test before you do the wc then test after. You should see a small change after the wc. You might be doing too large a water change believe it or not! We were doing 50% water changes and the trates were...
  8. auntkaren


    I agree with you it sounds like your new live rock wasn't cured long enough. What is the nitrate level after the water change? You probably need to wait like a month between adding things to your tank, sometimes the bio load doesn't show quickly and that may be what you have now. Try a 10- 15%...
  9. auntkaren

    How many fish total.

    A good rule of thumb, as far as how many fish, isn't how many fish but how many inches of fish will go in your tank. I've read in multiple sources that 1 inch of fish per 2 gallons in your tank. So you could conceiveably have 45" of fish....BUT you have to take into account the bio load that...
  10. auntkaren

    whats this????

    Could it be a limpet?
  11. auntkaren

    Got my Parameters...

    Try a 25% water change then take your parameters again, your trites, trates and ammonia should go noticeably down.
  12. auntkaren

    Need some water help

    Jacqueline, you really had been given confusing information. Sometimes it does get confusing indeed. The fact that you bought ANY book to help you with your new tank is commendable. The fact that you come to a saltwater forum for help is commendable. You are doing just what all of us have...
  13. auntkaren

    how to prepare greens for tangs?

    You can blanch broccoli, zucchini, cucumber. I rinse off romaine lettuce in salt water then zap it in the microwave for about 30 seconds. You can also rinse all of those off and freeze them instead of blanching them. Be sure to thaw before you put in the tank though.
  14. auntkaren

    Is this Hitchhiker a squid? + Crab ID

  15. auntkaren

    Is this Hitchhiker a squid? + Crab ID

    I thought it was a decorator crab too, until I went to take it's picture. It has no claws, no shell and the eyes are not on stalks but attached to the head. Heck the head is just about everything but the "fringe" around him!
  16. auntkaren

    Is this Hitchhiker a squid? + Crab ID

    I received these critters in my live rock this morning. The first is ?? a squid ?? The second is a crab and it's not a gorilla crab it's not hairy. Anyone care to hazard guesses on these?
  17. auntkaren

    Home-made Refugium, Cheap

    You want to get the wire out of your tank before it rusts. Can you find a plastic hanger maybe?
  18. auntkaren

    blue spotted watchman goby

    They go great with pistol shrimp too!
  19. auntkaren

    spiderweb looking things in the tank?

    I think that they are a spaghetti worm of some sort. I don't know the scientific name for them but I've seen them on hitchhiker sites under spaghetti worms. (I have them in my tank too). They are harmless.
  20. auntkaren

    Atlantic Blue Tang School?

    Thanks for the replies and the picture is gorgeous! But my main question is still what is considered a school? All the same fish or like fish together? Would multiple species of tang consider themselves in a school?