Search results

  1. auntkaren

    black spots on cleaner shrimp

    Boy am I glad I researched my Skunk Cleaner Shrimp the other day! I read that usually shortly before they molt they get black dots or splotches around their midsides. They said that this was the shrimp's internally pulling away from the shell getting ready to molt. They also said that --...
  2. auntkaren

    How long do shrimp, crabs and snails live...

    I was researching shrimp the other day and was surprised to read that cleaner shrimp the skunk cleaner, anyway, lives 6 years!
  3. auntkaren

    How Do You Look,when Your Looking At Your Tank(pics Here)

    Can't decide who's more into this
  4. auntkaren

    ID Please

    The hairy one is a gorilla crab and will tear up anything in it's path. You want to get rid of the Gorilla crab quickly. He's cute to look at but his behavior is ugly! Do a search on them!
  5. auntkaren

    Looking For Some New Fish! Need some Ideas Please!

    Blue Green Chromis are fun. Get more than one. They are gorgeous and active and swim in the middle of the tank. They are a very peaceful damsel.
  6. auntkaren

    nudibranch food

    You might try to do a search here and read the other postings about nudibranches. Google searches are pretty good too. Good luck!
  7. auntkaren

    Black Sun Coral/Orange Sun Coral

    They do take individual care but if your tank isn't too too big it's well worth the effort. I truly cannot believe how mine is flourishing! The polyps that were too far gone have started to vanish but a surprising number of them have grown. I am even seeing yellow where there once was white...
  8. auntkaren

    Black Sun Coral/Orange Sun Coral

    Last week I got a fading sun coral from my local LFS. It is yellow and looked very much like the condition of your black. I have had amazing results by pampering it royally. I don't feed the rest of the tank until the corals have been fed, this helps keep you from overfeeding. First off, I...
  9. auntkaren

    LR came with a little zoo on it! helP!

    You are doing just fine. You can add like 1/4 cup of your tank water at a time if you prefer. I usually pull out the amount of water I am going to add before I add my tank water but that's just my way. Zoos are pretty hardy but your slow acclimation is good practice for when you get more...
  10. auntkaren

    New Frogspawn (branching)

    I have the same tank that you have, kalied, and I've successfully kept a branching frogspawn for 3 months now just using the light provided with the tank setup. I keep mine at the bottom or lower mid range (about 3" off the floor). What you do have to watch for is too much flow. It wants to...
  11. auntkaren

    Saliferts Alk. test question

    We just bought the Salifert ALk test too. We kept getting readings that didn't make sense and were going crazy with water changes trying to get the alk to the appropriate level. THEN we carefully read the instructions in RED, for some odd reason you have to cross read the chart. I can't...
  12. auntkaren

    Alk readings abyssmal 5.60 HELP!

    Thank you. Our calcium is only 100 and with your guidance we have begun to rebalance our tank. Btw the nitrates were 80 not .8 we are getting those lower too. Thanks for your patience and your help. We truly do appreciate your efforts.
  13. auntkaren

    Alk readings abyssmal 5.60 HELP!

    the alk is low! Maybe I misrepresented the readings. on the salifert chart my readings are KH value in dKH 15.7 and the Alkilinity in meq/L 5.60 according to the chart the KH should be 8.0 and the Alk 2.86 we used the buffer to get the pH up from 7.3 we didn't have an alk test to use befure...
  14. auntkaren

    Alk readings abyssmal 5.60 HELP!

    We have been having nitrate problems in our 24G nano Reef tank with 3" LS and 26 lb LR Inhabitants are 2 small chromis, 2- 1 1/2"crabs 5 tiny blueleg crabs and 5 snails with one skunk cleaner shrimp. 1 frogspawn coral, 1 colt coral 1 ricordea frag and one zoo frag Salinity - 1.025 pH...
  15. auntkaren

    PLEASE! help ID this disease, and treatment

    You might have better response if you post this in the Disease and Treatment forum :-)
  16. auntkaren

    decorater crab changed colors???

    Originally Posted by bluephi115 Hello???? bump I'm interested in an answer to this too!
  17. auntkaren

    Snail ID

    I've not seen those particular snails advertised in any of the sites for cleanup crews but I bet you can find something in the search here in the forum. Click on the Search button between the "New Posts" and "Quick Links" at the top of this page and type in Snails. I bet someone has asked...
  18. auntkaren

    How soon after a water change should you see the results in Nitrate Change?

    Maxalmon, our system isn't that elaborate but you did make me think about the sponges and ceramics in the bottom of the filtration area we cleaned out the sponges and removed the ceramics (at least temporarily). Since the other levels are coming back down we will do another 10% tomorrow that...
  19. auntkaren

    How soon after a water change should you see the results in Nitrate Change?

    We've done a 30% water change total. The Nitrite and Ammonia are down to acceptable levels. The nitrates are still at 8 though. What's up with that? I've retested twice actually and the reading is always the same... 8. The pH is on the low side at 78 but we are fixing that with a buffer...
  20. auntkaren

    How soon after a water change should you see the results in Nitrate Change?

    Jamie, your info on how much water to change makes great sense! I will do a bit of research before I buy ammonia, nitrite and nitrate neutralizers and see which I need to purchase. Your Kordon's Amquel + will be the first one I check out! Y'all have been really helpful Thanks to all of you!