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  1. brenden

    MY kinda new STINGRAY

    No matter which specimen you have purchased, even the 240 gallon is going to be too small. Gallons mean nothing, its all about the footprint, so why not purchase a small 6'x2' poly. tank and keep this Ray thriving for life? As for why does it swim up and down the glass? All Rays do it...
  2. brenden

    Juvenile Banded shark help

    At 21" the one Bamboo has already outgrown a 60 gallon tank, I think you should do the proper thing and return the Stingray, and both Bamboos. You should not add a elasmobranch to a tank unless it has been cycling for atleast 3-4 months.
  3. brenden

    Coral catshark

    Originally Posted by cars&sharks i can guarantee you i know a lot more of what a shark needs to survive than you. Jake Thats a bold statment, however I will let Ken defend himself on this one. Jake, no need to get worked up. I agree that some of these Sharks could have it alot worse but that...
  4. brenden

    sea robin

    Probable becasue no one has one. Looking forward to seeing pictures however.
  5. brenden

    Coral catshark

    Jake - I assume you know everything though right. I mean you have kept 30+ odd Sharks in your life time and even got most of them to eat frozen food! You have also been studying them for 6 years so you must be an expert in the field now. We are lucky to have members of your intelligence able to...
  6. brenden

    Coral catshark

    Jake, do you realize how unethical it is to keep a Blacktip Reef yet alone a Whitetip Reef as well? 2,600 gallons would work for maybe a 12 - 18 months at best. Both those specimens require extensive amounts of room, system wise you are looking at 20,000 gallons. A Brown Banded Bamboo in a 220...
  7. brenden

    Coral catshark

    Cars&Sharks - What specimens have you personally kept? Just becasue you have kept over 30 does not mean you have learnt anything or that any of those specimens thrived. Also anyone can go out and get a Degree in Marine Biology doesn't mean you know your stuff. I know many people with that degree...
  8. brenden

    Coral catshark

    150 gallons is way to small for a Coral Cat Shark. Please consider upgrading in the very near future or a tank, pond, lagoon, ect. of atleast 250-300 gallons.
  9. brenden

    wtb black tang

    I can get Black Tangs on a daily basis. Let me know and I can have one collected for you.
  10. brenden

    Blue Hippo Tang picking at my shark

    Treat the Sharks fins with Povidone iodine, apply it with a que-tip, this will protect it from any possible infections and will allow it to properly heal.
  11. brenden

    Eel question

    I can get Golden Dwarf Moray's if you would be interested.
  12. brenden

    Golden Dwarf Moray Eel

    If someone wants one, I can have it collected. I cannot afford another for my personal systems however I would be willing to help someone out who does have the money and wants one.
  13. brenden

    Golden Dwarf Moray Eel

    There is only one kind of Golden Dwarf Moray, however it is often mis-sold as the Golden Moray which is better known as the Banana Moray which has a high price tag as well. Also the eel is sold, I might have more in the future. Those interested should let me know.
  14. brenden

    Chaeto for $15 shipped.

    Want to ship to Canada haha
  15. brenden

    Golden Dwarf Moray Eel

    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  16. brenden

    Golden Dwarf Moray Eel

    Squid, Shrimp, and very small 1/4" crustceans.
  17. brenden

    Golden Dwarf Moray Eel

    The price for these eel's is so high due to the simply laws of supply and demand. High demand along with a low supply means increase in price. They do stay small and because of this are hard for the average diver to collect. To my knowledge only a handful of people collect this specimen and by...
  18. brenden

    Golden Dwarf Moray Eel

    The eels are very small, but I have a 20 gallon set up for them. The eels were collected Yestarday so not long.
  19. brenden

    Golden Dwarf Moray Eel

    Their maximum length is recorded to be around 12", however the average is 8"-9".
  20. brenden

    Golden Dwarf Moray Eel

    Next to a credit card for scale.