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  1. rwhite

    i need a good pic of clown hosting a BTA

    Heres a couple. 1.
  2. rwhite

    Is this even a peppermint shrimp?

    Heres a pic of a peppermint. Couldnt find one of a camel, but the camel will have distinct bright, white stripes and a long "nose" that sort of sticks up.
  3. rwhite

    need false perc/bta pic to tape to tank

    Sorry, I must have flaked there for a minute. All the info was right in front of me. Good luck.
  4. rwhite

    need false perc/bta pic to tape to tank

    What kind of clown/anemone combo do you have? Heres a pic of ours, feel free if you think it will help. And we have MANY other pics of these guys, can e-mail some if you like. The large one took to the anemone on day 2 and finally allowed her mate in a few months ago.
  5. rwhite

    are these toxic species of Zoo's

    First one looks just like ours, purchased as button polyps and IDd as palythoa, cousin to zoos. Never hurt me or anything else and I've fragged them a few times. Heres a pic of our main colony.
  6. rwhite

    What Type

    I'd say best bet is a BTA. When I placed ours, it almost stayed in the spot I placed it on the rock. It only moved a few inches. And when it split, the second simply moved to another rock at about the same height. My advice would be to place it as high as you can with decent flow. To be on...
  7. rwhite

    Spawning question for Bang or anyone who may know.

    WOW! I had no idea. Guess I definitely dont have to rush the project, ours arent even a year in the display. Just a guess, but they probably arent more than 3. Thanks again!
  8. rwhite

    Spawning question for Bang or anyone who may know.

    Thanks all. I'll prolly start with the book, its always nice to have a reference on hand anyway. I thought I'd seen a thread on clown rearing, just couldnt remember who posted. Thanks again and I'll let ya'll know if/when we start the project. One last question, what is the life expectancy of...
  9. rwhite

    Spawning question for Bang or anyone who may know.

    Bang, if you're still around, did you happen to do a thread about your breeding clowns? For instance, how you started with them and a progression. I'm considering trying my own hand at it in the future and was wondering how you went about creating a good environment for them, etc. If you...
  10. rwhite

    !!~Future reef~!!

    Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if thats the only light you have, you need to upgrade before you add ANY corals. That single bulb will not be enough. Could you give us some more info about your light system like: single strip or double. Describe it the best you can. And maybe post...
  11. rwhite

    Spawning question for Bang or anyone who may know.

    Thanks! So, it is possible that a few may have hatched and I can expect to see a clutch of eggs constantly? Now that they have mated, they will be a pair for life and continue to spawn?That would be cool. If that is the case, should we cut back on feedings since there will be a natural food...
  12. rwhite

    Spawning question for Bang or anyone who may know.

    Couple weeks ago (on the 21st to be exact) our Clarkii laid some eggs and we were very happy. I know the survival rates are slim, but we have some questions. First, we noticed a slow decline over the first week and we went out of town on the 30th, but there were still several left when we left...
  13. rwhite

    red algea

    A very good question. We're going thru a battle right now. Most advice on the board will tell you to reduce feedings, reduce lighting and add more circulation. There are chemicals out there that will rid your tank of the slime, but I wouldnt recommend them from my own experience, but others...
  14. rwhite

    I think we're losing...

    Thanks all. I used Red Slime Remover once and it definitely takes care of the slime, but it caused so much stress in the tank we lost 2 percs, a flame and a Naso. It apparently dropped the pH and eventually had an ich breakout, possibly brooklynella. Happened within days, pH was something I...
  15. rwhite

    I think we're losing...

    Been battling red slime for a few weeks now and I think we're losing. Already cut back on feeding and light time, removed as much as I could by hand, did water changes, etc and so forth. My first question is how much light depravation can I get away with? My biggest concern is the BTAs we...
  16. rwhite

    CRABS CRabs crabs!!

    I assume you're talking about hermits, so my suggestions are they are killing each other off for homes or they may be starving. Any possible predators in the tank? I doubt that a slow die off would result in a spike, but I'm not positive. We do add hermits occasionally, but couldnt tell you...
  17. rwhite

    red algea

    Any chance of a pic? Slime algae can be deceiving and appear to be coralline on rock. Is your stuff hard to the touch or will it peel away?
  18. rwhite

    Break out the cigars!

    Well, if they have an opportunity to hatch, the probability of survival is slim. I'm 99.9% sure they would fall victim to filtration or predation. Maybe one day we can offer an environment to prop. some babies, but right now its not possible. I have already noticed that some eggs have...
  19. rwhite

    pistol shirmp hunter?

    Saw it too, the pistol taking down a cleaner. That was crazy. I loved the sound effects they added. BANG!:eek: