Search results

  1. beginnermatt

    Bad water parameters. Help.

    ph 8.0 ALk 2.5 Ca 300 Not sure what is the best way to increase my numbers? My bottled distilled water has a ph of 7.0 I may start a refugium in the next week or two. Thanks inadvance.
  2. beginnermatt

    Joes juice

    I bought 2 bottles of Joes Juice recently and a small bottle goes a long way. Would anyone like to buy one? $7.00 plus shipping. Needs a syringe to inject
  3. beginnermatt

    Anyone use zooplankton?

    How does she feed them. A scoop with a spoon? Any inverts. go for it?
  4. beginnermatt

    Anyone use zooplankton?

    I bought some buy Sweetwater. Do you just spoon some in? Kinda looks like dog food. Thanks.
  5. beginnermatt

    Scarlet Hermit question

    They look active for awhile then take a quick 8 hour nap. I didn't know they were nocturnal. Are peppermint shrimp nocturnal as well?
  6. beginnermatt

    Scarlet Hermit question

    Just got a new order in this past Friday. I bought a bunch of scarlet hermit crabs and they seem lazy. Is that the way they are or does shipping stunt them in some way? I also bought an emarld crab and some peppermint shrimp. The crab is awesome and does a good job on hair and bubble algae...
  7. beginnermatt

    feeding fuge

    I'm trying the same thing. I'll have to drill some holes first. Any ideas where they should be placed. The feed line will be higher to avoid back siphoning. I might do the holes off the back side panel. Are any dividers needed? I didn't know shrimp reproduce easily. Which kinds? Thanks.
  8. beginnermatt

    Above tank refugium.

    I'm trying to figure a way with some kind of a stand.
  9. beginnermatt

    Above tank refugium.

    I was thinking of making an above tank refugium. Will the weight of a ten gallon tank resting on a 33 long be a problem? I want to pump up with a powerhead and a hole in the bottom will feed down. I have the water levels figured to avoid spill. Just worried about the weight. I still have to...
  10. beginnermatt

    FS..2 new 96w cls daylight pc bulbs

    Want to sell for $95.00 includes shipping. Both are new and in boxes. Custom Sea Life 2x96 watt pc 34" length Both 10k
  11. beginnermatt

    Spaghetti worms? (PIC)

    Are either of those two worm bad? I have a bunch of one or the other. Thanks.
  12. beginnermatt

    Southdown not for aquariums?

    Southdown is just the name of the company right? The sand is agaronite which is calcium carbonate. Does that sound right?
  13. beginnermatt

    Any need for medication while in hypo?

    Thanks for the advice. Can a fo tank be kept at low salinity at all times? Then ick would never arrive?
  14. beginnermatt

    Any need for medication while in hypo?

    I have some formalin and I was wondering if it should be used in addition too hypo treatment? I'm in day four and the clown looks great. I can still see some white slime on his top fin(dorsal?), but it eats and looks happy. Thanks
  15. beginnermatt

    Southdown not for aquariums?

    I got my southdown at the Norwood, MA Home Depot. Maybe they will ship it to a store close by.
  16. beginnermatt

    Southdown not for aquariums?

    I just bought a 50 pound bag of Southdown from Home Depot. When I got home I realized that it said on the bottom " not for traction or aquarium use". Is this still the stuff people have been talking about. I bought a similar bag and used it two months ago. Now problems yet. Here is the sku...
  17. beginnermatt

    Help with DIY lights.

    MR. Salty, I thought that live rock could be treated as a fish only tank. I what way is your lr thriving? I may need more light?
  18. beginnermatt

    How many peppermint shrimp for 33?

    I ordered 5 pep. shrimp, 1 emerald crab, 15 scarlet hermits and some mex. turbos
  19. beginnermatt

    How many peppermint shrimp for 33?

    I want to make an order but I don't know what the max. is on these shrimp for a 33 long. Thanks
  20. beginnermatt

    Am I doing Hypo right?

    Anyone, I have a 5 gallon qt. I've been taking out 1 gallon at a time and replaceing it with 1 gallon of distilled (over a period of time). I always have 5 gallons when finished. Is this rate not diluteing the water correctly? Should I have removed 3 gallons at once and just added the new...