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  1. mushroomss

    I hate bubble algae!

    yes That is a good sign.Sometimes cleaners get overfed and wont even go for their natural diet.
  2. mushroomss

    amphipod problems

    no just zoanthids,I have a head of hammer,frogspawn,and a giant brian coral.Along with clove polyps,ricordea,assortaed mushrooms and all types of zoos and palythoas.oddly enough they are only going for 2 types of zoos.I know the amphipods are eating them,I can visibly see them munching down on...
  3. mushroomss

    Worm In Tank

    no problem any time
  4. mushroomss

    Help my Brain!

    you are going to need a tile saw with the thinnest blade you can find.(for the least amount of tissue damage possible).Brains have a hard skeleton underneath so i think the saw is your only option.You could use a dremel but that would be much messier and the coral would have a smaller chance of...
  5. mushroomss

    I hate bubble algae!

    oh it isent fun.Eevryone says emerald crabs eat bubble algae but i simply dont see how it is possible.The way the bubbles pop,then ooze,then spread it dosent seem possible that they would take care of the problem.And if you have bubbles dont get a six line wrasse.Mine seems to pop them for fun lol
  6. mushroomss

    The Devil Wears Parada.

  7. mushroomss

    Worm In Tank

    Imo its most likely a peanut worm.A very beneficial hitchiker.Dont even worry about it
  8. mushroomss

    reef temp

    no problem.Just tryin to help out the general population of people on here.Most of us have smaller tanks that tend to swing.Of course the bigger tanks 100gallon+ dont swng much at all.So a higher temp is acceptable for some but not most
  9. mushroomss

    amphipod problems

    sorta bummed were getting no replies.Maybe no one on this board knows about amphipods lol. bump
  10. mushroomss

    reef temp

    The only reason temp swings like that are even possible in the ocean is the shear volume of water and the quality of it.There is no way in a home reef tank you could have it swinging 5-10 degrees a day.EVERYTHING would be dead guranteed.The reason say keep it at 79 is that so if it swings...
  11. mushroomss

    I hate bubble algae!

    no that has nothing to do with it.IT starts with just one bubble.Then somehow it gets popped and the spores spread.Then more and more bubbles show up.Then get popped and add to the problem.I am currently batteling this in my 12 gallon
  12. mushroomss

    amphipod problems

    hmmmmm any other suggestions bump
  13. mushroomss

    reef temp

    everyone has their own ideas and experiences with temperature.I would prefer to keep mine at 79.That way if the temp ever swings either way your coral should be ok.
  14. mushroomss

    amphipod problems

    and yes shrimpi they are beneficial svavengers that clean up your detritus.But this is not the first time i have heard of them getting a taste for live coral.
  15. mushroomss

    amphipod problems

    yea ocealarris clowns are supposidly the friendliest out there lol.Well mine isent.It is a 24 gallon with 10-15 pounds live rock about 5 pounds in the rear.It has been up for about 9-10 months with no signifacent problems besides aiptasia and bubble algae.I kept them when i was new to the hobbie...
  16. mushroomss

    amphipod problems

  17. mushroomss

    amphipod problems

    i agree but i dont think my clownnfish would be ok with that.She is Very aggressive and large for her type.Is there anything else i can do?
  18. mushroomss

    amphipod problems

    i wouldent want a cold water fish.+ it will just die anyways and i dont like to kill anything.Im thinking scooter blenny or mandarin like you said.I hope someone will chime in and help us out.
  19. mushroomss

    amphipod problems

    freshwater dip wont work.They are everywhere in my rock work.