Search results

  1. leigh

    detroit, huge tank wanted

    I'm confused--i was talking about the 600 gal i posted the info on for you? is that one a junker too?
  2. leigh

    Anemones? or stay away ?

    Best decision I ever made with my tank was returning my BTA. It was healthy and doing just fine--but I always worried about it and was always concerned that it'd decide to start moving around again and sting corals. Really just more hassle than it's worth even if you can sustain it.
  3. leigh

    KILLER brittle star, Please answer

    I have 3 serpents in my 50 and never had a problem. I spot feed them every time I see them and the only times I've seen them with fish is when the fish were already dead (or very ill)... I think regular spotfeeding is really crucial. Perhaps Susan will pipe in on this discussion...
  4. leigh

    looking for suggestions for a 3 gal

    I'm not confident I can 100% tell the difference visually between sexy shrimp and harlequin shrimp. (However I am quite confident my LFS's would mislabel them). I want to be careful not to get harlequin shrimp for obvious reasons. Can someone give me the low down on easy ways to ID them...
  5. leigh

    Is this a good deal? he's had time to sit on it...and now i'm looking at everything minus the lights for 1000. What do you think now? Good deal or no? -leigh
  6. leigh

    Is this order for SWF ok?

    hey rye--that's a great approach for feeding filter feeders like that--never thought of it--gonna have to give it a try on my sun corals--thanks! -leigh
  7. leigh

    help my clown fish is sick

    Ich are normally small white dots--look like granules of sugar...this looks too big to be ich in my opinion...but again the pic is fuzzy--i posted on your thread in the disease forum...
  8. leigh

    Attaching ricordea

    this is from here--it's an old pic and now it has a few more mouths...but this is the coloring i's been quite hardy--even being put near the brink of death by an over agressive bubble than coming back mightily
  9. leigh

    help my clown fish is sick

    Hard to tell from the pic--anything in your tank could've bitten it? Does it look puffy/bacterial infection like? Does it look parasitic?
  10. leigh

    detroit, huge tank wanted

    Ooops..okey dokey--edited :)
  11. leigh

    detroit, huge tank wanted

    600 Gallon aquarium, w/oak wood stand, all access & coral, $5000/obo; CLEVELAND OH
  12. leigh

    How many engineers does it take...

    Roger that, thanks.
  13. leigh

    How many engineers does it take...

    Hey--I've retrofitted in a 13 watt pc in my 3 gal office nano...(yes I'm an engineering grad student and my other engineering office mates and I are stumped on this one--please, no engineer light bulb jokes :) )...but the reflector I epoxied (using marine epoxy) to the ballast--however it's not...
  14. leigh

    Fish or Corals

    I pick neither. It's all about the inverts. I guess I'm just a weirdo that way :D
  15. leigh

    looking for suggestions for a 3 gal

    cool, thanks for the input everyone--i'm now debating between a pair of neon gobies or a pair of sexy shrimp...any thoughts?
  16. leigh

    OT: Found in backyard, what is IT????!

    actually i do mow my lawn all the time barefooted (no, it's not a big gas mower--we're talking one of those small mechanical push mowers) more of that after seeing that beast!
  17. leigh

    Xenia refugium

    it's okay--clearly great minds think alike ;)
  18. leigh

    Xenia refugium

    look halfway down this forum at the post entitled 'xenia for nutrient export'...this has been one of the talks of today...
  19. leigh

    Daily Aquatic Factoid - 7.23.03

    Yowsers! As a warning on the toxicity--I would add however, that even if only one of your fish succumbs to the toxicity--the resulting death, ammonia spike, and water instability can wipe out a tank. So don't be fooled into thinking it may not be as bad as it seems. It is... I had a...
  20. leigh

    Have reef tank, starting a new FO tank - How?

    You still need to cycle it--using bio media and water is a good idea. you may have to toss in a cocktail shrimp just to kickstart things. You'll find FO requires more daily maintenance--all that live rock and sand is good for the filtration :) of course on the flip side it'll be far less $$...