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  1. racingtiger03

    My first SPS

    can 5 T5HO lights over a 18" deep tank be too much on a digitata? I had mine placed against a ledge, and it had poor polyp extension after I added the 5th light to the tank. I noticed yesterday that the backside of it was a beautiful deep redish color with the polyps very well extended. I moved...
  2. racingtiger03

    new rbta from

    I want to agree with the guy above about the color.. it doesn't look like any RBTA I've seen. Mine is a brilliant orange, and most i've seen are that, or a deep maroon color. That aside, it has attached to a spot and is accepting food. That's a good start, and even if isn't a happy color, feed...
  3. racingtiger03

    RBTA starting to bleach..?

    tank has been up for 6 mo's and the nem has been there for two (I know I added it a little early, but it was a tank raised nem). So the recent limewater and small alk increase may have been the cause combined with the bulb change? The white spots were gone this morning, so at least it was...
  4. racingtiger03

    RBTA starting to bleach..?

    My RBTA has some small white areas on a couple of its tentacles. Is this early signs of bleaching? I have just put new bulbs on the aquarium, but the old ones were only 2 months old. The only othe change is I have just started dripping lime water to supplement Ca and alk. All the paramaters are...
  5. racingtiger03

    Protein skimmer.... A must have?

    ahh, you're running the same skimmer as me. I have mine on a 29 gallon tank. As for it being bulky.. I thought so too for a long time. I have made some changes and can't really even notice it that much anymore. It doesn't take up much more room than my K2 now. I'll get a pic for you tonight if I...
  6. racingtiger03

    Coralife Super Skimmer

    I own one for my 30 gallon (the 65 gallon version) and don't really recommend it. for $100 it gets the job done... Bubbles are a PITA to get rid of, and some mods needed as said above to prevent some issues if you doin't want to come home to a small 10 gallon flood.. -.- early waterchange that...
  7. racingtiger03

    Best T5 Bulbs by Brand

    Very understandable from all I've read! I can't wait to try some out next time I have the extra money for bulbs. For now I just HAD to get rid of the stock currents and these were definitely an upgrade for cheap :)
  8. racingtiger03

    Best T5 Bulbs by Brand

    that's a pretty stout statement. Nobody had anything negative to say about them 2 weeks ago *shrug*. I can't speak for par ratings at all as I was unable to find any, the spectrum looks good, and my corals have responded really well to them. Next year when it's time to replace I'll try ATI, but...
  9. racingtiger03

    Clean out your skimmer!!!

    I was having a cyano problem in my tank. I tried larger and more water changes.. it helped but only short term. I started to think my standard tap filter wasn't going to be enough and I would need RODI water. I noticed most of the cyano was near the skimmer output.. so I put a sponge on it for 1...
  10. racingtiger03

    Best T5 Bulbs by Brand

    I have yet to try ATI but wanted to report back on the Hagen's. I did get them because the price was right and there was no shipping cost from the LFS. The improvement over the stock current's to the eye was minimal. Only a touch brighter, but since I went from 2 10k to 2 18k bulbs that in...
  11. racingtiger03

    Can this touch this?

    if the nem stays there, it will definitely kill the brain. my RBTA once decided to move from the top to the bottom then to the side then back to the bottom of its rock and in the process sat its right side on my brain coral for half a day and it took some heavy damage. It recovered after about a...
  12. racingtiger03

    Most fun to watch fish.

    can I pick two as well? My flame angel and watchman goby are always hilarious to watch together. The flame is always darting around in and out of the rock work and the ywg has one crevice picked out that he just got how he likes it. Anytime the flame comes near the ywg will flare up his gills...
  13. racingtiger03

    Best T5 Bulbs by Brand

    well I think I've changed my mind to more of the hagen Glo bulbs actually. I ran by the LFS today, and they have them on all their big tanks (as well as the one bulb i already have myself). I will be getting them for a good price, and he recommended keepign the one life-glo I have as my primary...
  14. racingtiger03

    Best T5 Bulbs by Brand

    sounds good, and the ati blue plus is their actinic isn't it? Do you have any pictures of your tank with that setup? Also the figi purple or the pro color should work with the daylights and not the actinics right?
  15. racingtiger03

    Best T5 Bulbs by Brand

    Anyone here heard of a figi purple? It's suppose to be for popping oranges and reds (which is most of my tank). Would it be a bulb to turn on with my daylights or come on with actinics? Reason I ask is here is what I am planning for my setup.. 2x ATI Aqua blue plus 2x ATI True actinic 1x figi...
  16. racingtiger03

    Looking to add some blue

    LOL yeah it does, never thought of it like that. It's in a very strong current per the LFS and grows like a weed that way. It has even started growing up the glass in the back. If you're ever down this way and want some gimme a shout! it's about to start outgrowing its designated territory...
  17. racingtiger03

    Looking to add some blue

    Here it is along with a FTS so maybe you guys can help make suggestions for placement on the two SPS I mentioned :) before the duncan FTS. The duncan!
  18. racingtiger03

    feeding a brain coral

    My brain only sticks its feeders out late at night (usually 3-4 hours after lights out). I use to be able to feed it during the time, but since upgrading my lights, it will only take food if its feeder tentacles are displayed *shrug*
  19. racingtiger03

    Looking to add some blue

    the only blue they had at the LFS was ORA SPS corals. Or a rock with a few blue shrooms on it for $90.. passed on both of the above for now, will go back and get some SPS later after upgrading the current bulbs because its a steal! I did land a good deal on a whisker duncan though. They recently...
  20. racingtiger03

    Looking to add some blue

    Dont get me started on yellow... my LFS had some zoas that had a black mouth, orange disk, and yellow tentacles. They were in the propogation tank, and I was waiting on them to put them in one of the sell tanks... next time I went back they were gone.. but there are a couple in their huge reef...