Search results

  1. racingtiger03

    Dying Xenia

    dont google image search for xenia at work looking for more over-run tanks :P That aside. I have dark purple xenia in my tank, and I'm super excited because they just started growing up on my glass lol. The rock they are on is about fist sized and its absolutely COVERED. I'm about to start...
  2. racingtiger03


    I've been getting some mixed reviews on how much flow a tank needs from what I've been reading lately. I started looking into it due to what I thought was a cyano outbreak (still not sure what it was, but its gone!). Anyhow I currently have a corallife skimmer with rio 1100, HOB filter that I...
  3. racingtiger03

    Ritteri or Bubble Tip Anemone?

    4 T5 may be a little weak with that size tank for a nem. It may be ok higher up though. Most people usually recommend 6 T5's for that size tank to support a nem long term. Mine did ok in my 29gallon with 2 T5's for about a month, but REALLY started growing when I went up to 4. (36" fixture on...
  4. racingtiger03

    Ritteri or Bubble Tip Anemone?

    don't let the RBTA size fool you.. mine was 3" across when I bought it 3 months ago. With mysis shrimp once per week and whatever my clowns decide to feed it, it has grown to just at 8" across last time I checked (2 weeks ago). That aside, you want to get one that has it's foot stuck to...
  5. racingtiger03

    Protein Skimmer

    taznut, look up my recent thread about the corallife. Lots of help in there, and mine is working great after going through some of those steps. bswe22, the minion skimmers are a decent skimmer for a smaller tank. The LFS has a few 3gallons running with them, not sure how well it would fare on a...
  6. racingtiger03

    lighting for a 29 gallon

    a good upgrade if you really wanted it would be a 150 watt metal halide. Other than that yours should be fine for anything I would think. I have a 29 gallon running the nova extreme t-5 (from what I can tell the same as yours) except I got one a bit long for the tank (36" vs the 24"). I did this...
  7. racingtiger03

    hob filter change

    Hmm, I had read before that filter media was a bad thing due to catching organic matter and possibly increasing nitrates. Isn't it best to rely only on the sand bed, live rock, and a skimmer to take care of filtration? Maybe I need to look into this some more again. I have a HOB filter that I...
  8. racingtiger03

    mixing water and salt

    Ditto with flower, even in my 29 gallon I don't bother to match temp exactly. room temperature (~72) and matching the SG are fine. even at a 20% water change with a 10 degree difference in temp (max difference i would think/hope) you are only going to change the total temp by 2 degrees if you...
  9. racingtiger03

    Test kits...

    yes, as I recall they had the master test kit for ~$50. I was thinking it didn't have the calcium test though. I'll check it again next time I'm out there! Of course as you pointed out, buying that + the calc test would still be cheaper. I don't know why I didn't think of that O_o
  10. racingtiger03

    Test kits...

    thanks for the quick response once again flower! So you think its better to buy those locally rather than online so I can check the exp date first? The LFS carries seachem, and most all of their tests are between 10 and 20 each. I may just do PH, ALK, and calc considering that cost for now lol...
  11. racingtiger03

    Test kits...

    What brands do you guys trust/recommend? I'll be ordering some new test kits next week. Paying the LFS a couple dollars a week to test my water is getting old lol.
  12. racingtiger03

    Lighting Schedule

    thats a bit of an odd schedule. Keep in mind you really want to try to imitate the natural phasing of the sun. The actinics should come on for 1 hour before the daylights(10K), and the stay on one hour after the daylights go off. I don't know that I would be cutting them off and back on a few...
  13. racingtiger03

    My new Rose Bubble Tipped Anemone

    Originally Posted by Coral Hind OP - Congrates on getting a very nice RBTA. I like that it still has nice bubble tips. Are you feeding it? racingtiger03 - Asexual division is normally stress induced. A happy RBTA normally just gets larger. I have had them get up to 18". You could feed it heavy...
  14. racingtiger03

    BTA finally split

    Congrats. I'm waiting on mine to do the same, it's approaching 8.5" lol.
  15. racingtiger03

    Surface agitation

    I had changed my skimmer setup a bit recently to where it finally stopped releasing a ton of bubbles into my system, but when it was setup that way the surface of the water had a heavy film buildup on top, and I was getting a little bit of cyano (oddly enough in the stronger flow areas, such as...
  16. racingtiger03

    The odd couple spawned

    Any survivors from the odd pairs first set of eggs?
  17. racingtiger03

    Brown hair algae?

    bah... this stuff is back. Very mildly I might add. I am doubting it is cyano now, and perhaps something more sinister..? It's long and stringy, and grows in the areas of highest flow in the tank. Mostly red, some brown. Any clues guys? this is driving me mad! All parameters are in check now...
  18. racingtiger03

    running skimmer

    you may want to wait longer than that on fish... IIRC ich can live without a host for up to 90 days.
  19. racingtiger03

    hermit crab?

    hmm by blue hermits and reds don't bother each other at all. Note that I would recommend the blues for larger tanks. My reds hardly move around at all, but they are constantly eating stuff off of wherever they are sitting at! I keep plenty of different size shells in the tank for them. That...
  20. racingtiger03

    running skimmer

    not sure about yours.. but mine says 24/7 for best functioning in the manual.