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  1. racingtiger03

    Looking to add some blue

    LOL he scared me too, same reason I bought the nova fixture. I bet you just saw the glo fixture. Thats why I never surf SWF from my phone lol!!! Even with a 4" screen that's a no no haha The current bulbs truly are garbage. I didn't relise how bad until I put my single glo 6500K as they call it...
  2. racingtiger03

    Looking to add some blue

    Originally Posted by BTLDreef I don't think you have the lighting to support SPS, just my opinion. And blue/purple SPS is harder to keep than other colors. As for blue zoos, it honestly depends where you live. They're pricey in NY, you're easily looking at $25 per polyp for Silver Surfers or...
  3. racingtiger03

    Looking to add some blue

    Thanks for the idea of mushroom fish taco, That lead me to ricordea which I for some reason completely forgot about.. O_o... The coloration on that blue cali tort is amazing! That's the kind of blue coloration I am looking for! One thing I read makes me thing I was looking at a different picture...
  4. racingtiger03

    Question on algae

    ohhhh, didn't notice the part about it being off the lid. Depending on your flow setup I would think that's also going to be a lot of salt spray which you definitely do not want the fish eating...
  5. racingtiger03

    30 gallon stock list

    I have a 29 gallon, but, I don't know how compatible the flame angel is with your current stock, but I absolutely love mine! It is full of energy, and very attentive. He is always active and swimming around, and even helps to remind me when its feeding time by swimming to the top corner that I...
  6. racingtiger03

    Looking to add some blue

    Most everything in my tank is red/orange aside from the coraline and algae on the back glass. I would like to add some corals with some blues and yellows to the tank, maybe even some greens. I currently have GSP, purple Xenia, orange digitata, pacific rose brain coral, and a small colony of...
  7. racingtiger03

    Taking OVER!!!!

    ^^^ what you have is a daisy coral. I have the same thing in my tank, they don't grow at anywhere NEAR the rate that xenia or the pipe organs do. I started with 15-20 polyps, and 4 months later have 30ish polyps, as well as the frag rock has glued itself to the base rock I put it on.. O_O.
  8. racingtiger03

    Thermometer Gone Crazy?

    oddly enough, the most reliable I've found is the "digital" that sticks on the tank. They are about two dollars at wal-mart. I didn't trust it at first, so I bought a glass thermometer with a suction cup to go inside the tank. Guess which one failed first? the temp of the glass tube inside the...
  9. racingtiger03

    Question on algae

    My flame angel sometimes eats algae growing on the back wall, I usually leave him a bit to nip on, or scrape some extra off and let it float around awhile for him to eat, if he doesn't take it the CUC finishes it off later :P
  10. racingtiger03

    JBJ true temp heater?

    I just upgraded to a Fluval and it is working perfectly. The temp swings no more than 1 degree between night and day. That is even a rare occurence (usually when I forgot to plug in the fan for the daylights, but now it runs on the same timer as the daylight bulbs :) )
  11. racingtiger03

    coffee table tank

    I have a 29 gallon on a cofee table.. does that count? :P (braced it up so it can handle the weight). That aside, I chose to go the nem and perc route. Added a flame angle and a coral banded shrimp for some extra flair. Xenia and GSP for the main corals as well as an open brain that came on some...
  12. racingtiger03

    hob filter change

    To prevent nitrate spikes if you rinse them with some saltwater to remove detritus and waste buildup daily or every couple days perhaps, then it should be ok to do one filter every 2 weeks. Just make sure when you rinse its with saltwater so as not to kill the good bacteria growing on the filter...
  13. racingtiger03

    29 Gallons & A Lot Of Questions?

    black and white volitians? I thought true volitians were more of a redish color *shrug* I don't know a lot about them other than they look awesome though lol. Anyway for a 29 gallon you really do need to stick with smaller fish. As for the starting your tank with tap water... well, admittedly I...
  14. racingtiger03


    ok, Will do, I can only think of one dead-ish spot off hand, and I think a koralia nano would be fine to take care of that. The way I have it setup right now the entire water column appears to circle, I might just be able to even re-aim the powerhead to kill that one spot I'm thinking of. Thanks.
  15. racingtiger03

    Copperbands and aiptasia

    never heard of a coral banded eating aiptasia.. I have a coral banded that won't touch aiptasia. I also had a peppermint prior to that. I had 1 small one medium and one large aiptasia in my tank. Taking scissors to them all seperate nights to scare/split the aiptasia, the peppermint took care of...
  16. racingtiger03


    thanks flower. So with that said, splitting the flow up between two smaller K1's will likely be a better route as I can give more areas flow as opposed to one area with strong flow tapering off throughout the tank?
  17. racingtiger03


    thats what I thought too, but had heard a lot of different things. Thanks! Secondly, should I split this up and add two koralia #1's instead of the single #2?
  18. racingtiger03

    In the planning phases for seahorses.

    so far the plans are as follows, mostly transfers from my current 29 gallon so I can upgrade it . Coralife super skimmer with rio 1100 pump, Glo T5HO single bulb or nova T5HO SLR (4bulb). Haven't decided which lights I want to go with yet, depends on if I buy a new 55 gallon, or a second 29...
  19. racingtiger03

    does this look like its splitting?

    ditto with these guys. Mine has folded itself like that numerous times. And has even fooled me to thinking it had two mouths once. So, I don't think that is an indicator, but who knows. These things are wierd like their hosting clowns, they do whatever they feel like lol.
  20. racingtiger03

    In the planning phases for seahorses.

    And I'm a bit confused on the feeding and flow requirements. I am looking at doing a single pair of Reidi in a 29gallon tank. I've seen mixed things on flow from they need strong currents to be able to move around to weak currents so they don't have to fight against them because they are weak...