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  1. murray bmf

    New Clams

    Nice clams and nice pics!
  2. murray bmf

    Hermit Crab = mobile home

    He's in my wifes nano cube not our main tank, which is not a reef tank (nano cube). We just sort of use it as a separate tank to put frags and things like this crazy crab in, but thanks for the tips. He will not go into the main tank now. He's about the size of a golfball and he is very funny...
  3. murray bmf

    My 55 gallon at around 4 monthes old

    Agree with joncat24, TANK LOOKS GREAT! just gotta hide all that equipment.
  4. murray bmf

    Hermit Crab = mobile home

    My wife brought this hermit crab home. He has about five anenomes on his shell, but you can only see two in this picture. Pretty neat
  5. murray bmf

    Check this guy out!

    Right on! My LMB has the most "charatcter" of any of my fishes. I think you will enjoy him as they are fun to watch. I often compared mine to my parents pug dog. Congrats on your new blenny
  6. murray bmf

    Blue Ring

    Just like the helmet law. Maybe Darwin was right, natural selection at work.... But thats just me
  7. murray bmf

    Check this guy out!

    Originally Posted by Anonome I have a 125 reef with little to no algae, thanks to a scribbled rabbitfish, sailfin tang, and coral beauty. I would love to add an algae blenny aka lawnmower to the mix.Do they eat normal fish food? Also, I have a orange diamond spot goby, which thankfully does eat...
  8. murray bmf

    protein skimmer recommendation?

    I like Euro-Reefs! But thats just me. Basically "plug-and-play". The other skimmers mentioned are good as well. I think once you get into the "nicer" skimmers they all are pretty much are effective, it's just more personell (however its spelled) preference. Just my 2 cents
  9. murray bmf

    i kinda like this one...

    Wow! I like this. Great pic.
  10. murray bmf

    Check this guy out!

    Originally Posted by Reef Diver I love them, but have you had any problems with him and your clam? No, I have not had any problems at all. He sits right in the middle of the clam, and the clam acts ilikes its "nothing at all".
  11. murray bmf

    Lets Play a Game! Do you see the Lion?

    It took a second, but I "think" I found them in both pics. great idea, great pics!
  12. murray bmf

    Check this guy out!

    My lawnmower blenny just hanging out.
  13. murray bmf

    46 Bowfront Custom Stand Rebuild

    Impressive! Nice job on both the tank and stand. I wish I had skills like that!
  14. murray bmf

    Newbie skimmer suggestions?

    I prefer the Euro Reefs, easy to use, requires little maintenance and very effective. They do however require a sump and can be pricey. From my experience (I've had several different skimmers) all skimmers can be effective. Get the one that best suits your needs (configuration , size, etc..)...
  15. murray bmf

    some new pics

    Nice pictures, great color!
  16. murray bmf

    equipment poll

    I have a 75 gal reef ready with two 150 watt 20K metal halides and one moon light all on timers. I also have a couple of power heads in the tank for circulation. For a sump I used a 22 gal long and glued baffles in it to create separate chambers. In the sump I have a Euro-Reef skimmer, a Mag 7...
  17. murray bmf

    Euro-Reef CS5-2 vs asm g1x

    If your asking which is better, my preference is Euro-Reef.
  18. murray bmf

    Whats a good skimmer

    I have a Euro-Reef and love it. I paid just over $200.00, but I think it is worth it. A skimmer is one place I would not "go cheap" on. I did what so many people did (and warned me about) and bought a Sea Clone. After about 6 months I bought a Euro and the difference it made was huge. Plus...
  19. murray bmf

    pics of the 60 gallon

    I Likes
  20. murray bmf

    Seaclone Skimmer Question

    Originally Posted by Dragonladylea I used to use the Seaclone to and "thought" it was a great skimmer until I bought my new tank that came with a CSS 65 - WOW was I amazed at the difference. I will not ever recommend the Seaclone to anyone again when for just a little more you can get a great...