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  1. surfnturf


    Huh? wow, like trippy:D
  2. surfnturf

    brown alge stuff growing on the glass all over...looks like rust.. what is it?

    Sounds like diatoms, get a silica test kit, silica is usually the culprit, though nitrates and phosphates also play a role. BTW, snails will help to control this, look for a snail that eats diatoms.
  3. surfnturf

    Tap water?

    I agree with Nacl-H20, but if you do have detectable copper, then the substrate and any live rock is ruined.
  4. surfnturf

    Is it possible to acclimate a freshwater striped bass to saltwater in captivity?

    It would kill off anything external, probably, but it wouldn't do anything to organisms or bacteria, viruses the fish has internally.
  5. surfnturf

    live rock

    wow, that pretty much shoots down anything I can suggest. How old are your bulbs? The only other suggestion I can give is to add powerheads and direct them where the algae is growing. Sorry I can't help more, maybe a shark will chime in.
  6. surfnturf

    Is it possible to acclimate a freshwater striped bass to saltwater in captivity?

    One other thing to consider is that most of the fish in saltwater aquariums are from tropical areas, you could introduce a disease that the striper is immune to that could wipe out the other fish, just a thought.
  7. surfnturf

    OFF TOPIC: Does anyone here keep native fish?

    I've often thought about it, kept a few pumpkinseed sunfish as a kid. The funny thing is that a lot of people like large carnivores like Oscars but they never try to keep some of the fish you can find in the local lake or river. It would take a large tank, but it would be sweet to keep a...
  8. surfnturf


    Big but nice! Sweet tank!
  9. surfnturf


    I must be sick too, I keep a flashlight handy near the tank and sneak up on it after the lights have been off for a few hours, neighbors must think I'm insane.:D
  10. surfnturf

    live rock

    check your phosphate and nitrate levels. Also check your lights, 10,000K bulbs seem to help fight cyano.
  11. surfnturf

    I am debating taking out my DSB!

    I would add a pound or two, let it sit for a couple days, then right before you add the next batch skim off the large grains of sand you want out of there, then add the new sand, keep repeating until you have it the way you want it. I don't have any experience with cucumbers, sorry.
  12. surfnturf

    marineland eclipse3

    This will give a place to start, it's a 55 watt retrofit for the Eclipse 3
  13. surfnturf

    O.T. any computer programers out there

    Hey Jarre, any chance I could get you to take my name out of the database, I'm getting kinda sick of the telemarketers;)
  14. surfnturf

    rookie live sand questions? need a little explanation

    Only thing I want to add is that the sand has a huge amount of surface area, so it is probably more efficient than LR, but the LR is also a source of worms and stuff that make the sand bed work. They compliment each other in a lot of ways.
  15. surfnturf

    I am debating taking out my DSB!

    I just saw your other post about your lights, that was going to be my next question. The blues are good, but if the regular bulbs are less than 10,000K you may want to get some 10,000K's. You need about 550 gallons per hour of flow in your tank, the flow will also spread coralline spores...
  16. surfnturf

    I have had new lights for almost two month and....

    Check your calcium levels, coralline needs that to grow, your lights should be more than sufficient for coralline.
  17. surfnturf

    Is All-Glass All-Good???

    Sounds really cool Broomer, I'm always interested in seeing stuff like that, I'll definitely have to take one of those tours someday.
  18. surfnturf

    what happened?

    Did you post a thread referring to a competitor to
  19. surfnturf

    Powerhead Question

    Usual recommendation is 10 tank turnovers per hour. that would put you at 550 gallons per hour, so 344 gallons per hour from the Rios is not too much. Like ekclark said, it is a good idea to aim the powerheads directly at each other, this randomizes the currents in the tank. Use full flow...
  20. surfnturf

    I am debating taking out my DSB!

    The larger sized grains will work their way to the top, you could just skim them off the surface a small section at a time over a few weeks time. Is the DSB doing it's job? What kind of algae are you having a problem with?