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  1. surfnturf

    soap box

    Well, all I'm going to say about this, is that the only reason I don't suggest using damsels is because they are pretty much little pains in the butt after the tank cycles. I don't think I'm a left wing environmentalist tree hugger cuz as soon as I can catch my domino, he's going to visit the...
  2. surfnturf

    cpr reef 2 or prism

    Depends on what you are prepared to spend, you definately get what you pay for, especially with the lower priced models, if you can afford it, go for the cpr.
  3. surfnturf

    Any tricks to keeping the pumps in sump quiet?

    KandR, people are going to jump all over the Rio pump, the general consensus is that they are junk. I've been running Rio's for about 5 years 3 Saltwater tanks, 6 freshwater, and a 1500 gallon (it's small) Koi pond, I've never seen one fail. They will rattle if you don't use the rubber suction...
  4. surfnturf

    How do i mount a 3" radio shack hood fan?

    Dunno how this would work, but it's an idea. You could use silicone between the fan and the hood, clamp it in place while silicone cures (24 hours). The stuff is strong, and will also dampen vibration from the fan. I'd get some more opinions since I've never tried it. I don't see why it...
  5. surfnturf

    Bristle Worms.... How do I get rid of them?

    Do your fish look like something tried to eat them, could be a mantis shrimp, not likely, but possible. I would also consider taking a sample of your water to a LFS and have them test it, just to verify your test kits are giving accurate results.
  6. surfnturf

    Is this ick?

    looks like an abrasion from the LR, I would put him in QT until he heals.
  7. surfnturf

    Hey Sharks!! Am I cycling ok?

    I would also add some live rock to the tank, that will help seed the DSB with detrivores.
  8. surfnturf

    Central Cali LFS Stores????

    This site sells nice LR, why not try to support our sponsors.
  9. surfnturf

    RO/DI and Culligan

    He was incorrect. RO/DI water is not for consumption, but is perfect for saltwater. When you mix in the salt you are adding everything (assumed) that the fish need. RO water is okay for consumption, but it always tastes funny to me, RO/DI tastes terrible and you would never want to drink it.
  10. surfnturf

    u.v. sterilizers

    darn it, I was hoping one of the UV proponents would jump on that one! I was like poised and ready too!;)
  11. surfnturf

    yellow tang turning white.

    sounds like ******, post this on the disease board, those guys know their stuff.
  12. surfnturf

    Banghai Cardinals

    Direct this question to Bang Guy, use his name in the title of the post if need be, he's probably the expert here since he breeds them.
  13. surfnturf

    clowmfish eggs

    They take between 6 and 15 days to hatch, but if they are opaque they are dead, I would remove them unless you are confident that the filter system can deal with the load. It could cause the female a lot of stress if you try to remove the eggs. Hook her up with a male clown and make some babies;)
  14. surfnturf

    My perc is in the big fishbowl in the sky

    Saltwaterdude, the clown was knocking on heavens door before he landed in your tank, they don't go down that quick with perfect water quality. The Live Rock was obviously fully cured if you have 0 readings across the board. I have a hunch that your test kits are giving you bad results though...
  15. surfnturf

    clowmfish eggs

    Hey, wierd things have happen, wait to see if they hatch.
  16. surfnturf

    This stinks! Or does it?

    Hey, buy a generac generator, my brother does their R&D;) Don't ask me about a deal cuz they don't make deals.
  17. surfnturf

    How Many Started Out Fresh Then Went Salt & Reverse

    Freshwater for 17 years, had some money sitting around and finally took the plunge with saltwater. I still have about 5 freshwater tanks going, but all I do with those is feed them a few times a day, it is the saltwater that takes up my "freetime". I hardly look at the freshwater tanks...
  18. surfnturf

    18 gal reef tank

    I think it depends on what you want to add for inverts. Are you planning on anenome, then a clown would be a perfect fit. A Royal Gramma Basslet I think might be a good choice, hard to say really, you don't want anything that will get much bigger than 2 inches in that tank.
  19. surfnturf

    live rock

    Actually, if you want to keep a shark, you need a fine sand substrate, and minimal live rock in the tank, believe it or not, sharks have sensitive skin and bamboos spend most of their time on the bottom. It would be a good idea to use a DSB and put the LR in a sump with a good light on it...
  20. surfnturf

    Normal Damsel behavior?

    could be the onset of ich, or not, maybe he just got a wild hair.:D