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  1. quads4_lif

    this morning

    You could try and one up that and drill you a 3/8" drain in your skimmer cup so if it overflows it will drain back in to your tank or a container.
  2. quads4_lif

    egg crate question

    There is a pic of it in this thread you can get it at your local homedepot or lowes
  3. quads4_lif

    skimmer output VERY low - is it my unit , my pump , or ........

    1journeyman is talking about the pump that puts water into the skimmer. Take it apart and clean it. Also I am unsure about how you adjust the water level in your skimmer. There should be like a valve or your riser tube moveing it up and down. but even with it down to low as long as the water...
  4. quads4_lif

    Need idea on building a sump

    no carbon I only run carbon about once a month in a internal fluval 4 filter or hagen aquacler HOB filter. In my fuge I have chaeto. I only have one pad sponge that I filter through and it is on my return pump. I dont recoment spnges unless you are very meticules about cleaning it other wise...
  5. quads4_lif

    Until our system is fixed, please post any and all spam posts in here!
  6. quads4_lif

    Need idea on building a sump

    Yes sumps can be purchased but they are easily built. Here are a couple pic of mine on my 55 and my 100
  7. quads4_lif

    Please tell me whats this on my fish??????

    looks like a bacterial infection
  8. quads4_lif

    growth on snail shell

    see if you can get a pic
  9. quads4_lif


    since the other thread got locked I am running spider light reflectors
  10. quads4_lif

    Light Confusion. Please Help!

    It is for the complete setup reflector, icecap ballast, bulb, socket and most wireing. I like the 14k hamilton. But that is just my pref. Here is what the 14K Hamiltons look like
  11. quads4_lif

    Suspicious fish ID please!

    Originally Posted by mark_D Well, I am in San Antonio Tx, so sadly, it cant be you. Also, i fishbase'd Cross Damsel and... well... no. Mainly cause all the pictures of cross damsel's that ive seen lack the big black/blue dot that these guys have on their backs... I thought it might be either a...
  12. quads4_lif

    Skimmer Placement

    If you use glass inside of your sump for baffles make sure you have them cut just a little bit smaller than the width of the inside of your tank so you can get the silicone inbetween the baffle and the side of the tank.
  13. quads4_lif

    skimmer output VERY low - is it my unit , my pump , or ........

    What size is your proclear skimmer
  14. quads4_lif

    growth on snail shell

    How old is your tank. It could just be alge growin on it??? or cyno???
  15. quads4_lif

    Cleaner Crew for Brown Algae

    Diatom alge blooms are normal, they just look bad but in time your tank will mature and the nutriuents they need will be depleted and used by other alge's
  16. quads4_lif

    this morning

    yeah Just add it to your maint and you should be ok
  17. quads4_lif

    Light Confusion. Please Help!

    You have mail Sorry I went to sleep and forgot to send but it should be there now
  18. quads4_lif

    Until our system is fixed, please post any and all spam posts in here!
  19. quads4_lif

    LR on eggcrate

    I place mine on the bottom where my rocks will be place so that my engineer goby cant dig under them. Once I get my rocks inplace I add my substrate