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  1. quads4_lif

    Anybody ride bikes? (motorcycles)

    Thank you very much I want something that nobody else has I dont really care for the cookie cutter bike also I am tired of seeing every county in the USA choppers. My definition of a custom is built by the owner not a 125,000.00 dollar bike you bought over the phone. Ok sorry off the soap box...
  2. quads4_lif

    *DIVERS* got a dumb question

    I am going on a cruise with my first dive and I am wondering what you put or do with your ears. When I am just snorkeling and I dive down just a small ways the pressure hurts my ears to the point I have to go back up. I am just wondering if there is any thing can you just use regular ear plugs...
  3. quads4_lif

    Anybody ride bikes? (motorcycles)

    I love my bike just wish I had more ridding buddies that were not fair weather riders here is a few pics of my custom star
  4. quads4_lif

    Multi tank filtration

    but if one tank gets sick so do the other two tanks
  5. quads4_lif

    I think my tube worm is dead

    Well Mine has played dead for about a month now so either he needs an oscar or a funeral
  6. quads4_lif

    Tank size question

    I would not do it. A friend of mine had a 120 on the second floor and they had a power outage and his backup failed and pumped about 40 gallons of water into his floor which went down stairs and cost him close to 1800.00 in damages. I would buy it and either try and resell it or store it but...
  7. quads4_lif

    Lots of Questions

    Originally Posted by scottbert OK, I got lots of questions here, so any help would be great. I have a 29g tank, about 35lbs of LR. I have 4 snails and 5 hermit crabs,(for 1 week) and today I added 1 Clown. tank has been going for 2 weeks now. 1) at the beginning of setup, ammonia went up...
  8. quads4_lif

    What do you think of my fuge design?

    You can also use and then just copy and paste the img tag
  9. quads4_lif

    lighting on a 18g

    you should be ok
  10. quads4_lif

    Drain Hose to PVC

    If it is spaflex you can just use PVC cement but as long as it is out of the water you can use a stainless hose clamp
  11. quads4_lif

    What do you think of my fuge design?

    Sounds good but I would ditch the bio balls and put more LR in its place
  12. quads4_lif

    My DIY stand and canopy

    The only thing I would change is your fans I would have both blowing in and cut vents in the top of your tank. Other wise It looks great
  13. quads4_lif

    ASM G1x or Coralife SS 220.....

    I would go with a Aqua C remora or urchin if you are worried about space. My opinion all 3 are good skimmers I have used a ASM G1X and a Remora and both are great skimmers. I have heard lots of good things about the Coralife SS but for space you cant beat the remora
  14. quads4_lif

    West Texas anyone???

    Depends on what you call west texas
  15. quads4_lif

    Best Heater???

    I also love the Ebo Jagers I have had one in two of my large cichlid tanks one included Oscars and the other Tilapia buttikoferi's and I have yet to see a broken Ebo Jager. The Marineland stealths are not bad except you can not tell when your heater is on or off. Which could be bad if it got...
  16. quads4_lif

    Lowering Ammonia

    you may have had a couple of snails or crabs die behind some rocks. I would start by doing a couple of water changes
  17. quads4_lif

    White spot on clownfish

    I would put them back into your QT and leave them there for atleast 1 month that way if it is in fact Ich your DT will not have anything to host to. But it very well could by lymphocystis
  18. quads4_lif

    Anenomes for Perc Clowns?

    LOL a Green Bubble Tip Anenome
  19. quads4_lif

    Adding Sump to Existing Tank

    normaly if you sump is smaller than your tank you would not have to worry about it. But going from no sump to a 55gal sump you are going to have a small cycle but as long as you get all of your water running through your sump first before adding your LS or LR to your sump(if you are) you will...
  20. quads4_lif

    Anenomes for Perc Clowns?

    a good choice is a GBTA