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  1. aquaferg

    Post your FO pictures

    Here is mine as of to date. I am going to add a few Star Polyps and some mushrooms but not any kind of reef. I really like the lower maintenance of a FOWLR. Anyway here is mine... It's a 55g if you can't tell.
  2. aquaferg

    Hitchhiker Identifications

    Originally Posted by I Am Batman avoid this hitchhiker I had a similar looking one in my tank. I think he came with a live rock (band) I put in there. I got him out quick enough but not before he cause a lot of havoc with some of my younger female livestock. But after I got him out he told me...
  3. aquaferg

    Waterflow/Powerhead questions?

    I have a 55g and I have one Koralia #3 and one Koralia#4. They are great. I an thinking about putting my maxi-jet 1200 back in for the corners. I have FOLWLR but am planning corals also.
  4. aquaferg

    lets see those clowns!!!

    HEre is mine. I never wanted a clown but my 4yr old insisted. I am glad I got him now. He is a cute little guy.
  5. aquaferg

    Anemone advice

    Went to my local Pet Land today, which oddly enough is owned by the same guy who owns one of our two LFS. I bought this anemone for $8. They said it was a Condy but I don't think so. My question beside what kind is it, is this. Is he in too much flow? If so will he move himself? I read the they...
  6. aquaferg

    Mantis Diary

    I don't know a lot about these creatures and this thread made me go looking for more info. They are awesome. Great thread by the way. I did, however find this good little informative site about different types.
  7. aquaferg

    Goby or Blenny?

    I think this is some sort of Goby but it kinda looks like an orange spotted lawnmower. Can anyone I.D. him?
  8. aquaferg

    Help my flow

    Mine looked as "bad"as your did until I re-scaped it to one large structure instead of two smaller ones. I had a lot of sand suspended in my water column. But you are right with a #1 & a #2 you would think there would be sufficient flow to cover the whole tank.
  9. aquaferg

    Help my flow

    I have a 55g with one long structure in the middle of the tank. I have Koralia 3 and 4 on each side the 3 is on the right pointing at a 45 degree angle towards the back and the 4 is on the left pointing at a 45 degree angle towards the front. I am getting debris in each corner due to lack of...
  10. aquaferg

    Did some re-scaping today in my 55

    No, not a scopas in a 55..... Your eyes deceive you. I know, I know, one of up will upgrade this year to a 90g.. either me or the tang.
  11. aquaferg

    Did some re-scaping today in my 55

    Re-scapped my 55 today. I like it.
  12. aquaferg

    New Tank and Base rocl

    Looks great T. I kinda wanted a corner tank for a while and still do I think. What size is that on? Can I have your old canister?
  13. aquaferg

    Trade a Koralia?

    Originally Posted by Innercirclepro hmmm did you copy my post? "Used Hydor 4 power head for sale. Used only for a few days but seemed to be too powerful for me. This powerhead is rated at 1200GPH. Works great but too powerful for my tank. Make me an offer. I will also trade for the smaller...
  14. aquaferg

    WTB - Mushrooms

    I am looking to by some nice mushrooms. When I say nice I just don't want the drab brown/dark red. I live in Alabama. Let me know if you have any to sell. Thanks.
  15. aquaferg

    What can I keep?

  16. aquaferg

    What can I keep?

    Hey guys. I have a FOWLR tank that has some Shrooms and SPS that are all doing great in it. They can with some LR. I have a 55g with a Koralia 3 and 4, about 50lbs of LR, Coralife skimmer, and a penguin 350, and a Coralife Coralife S/W T-5 Aqualight Double Strip. I have very good parameters. My...
  17. aquaferg

    hydro koralia 4 ?

    Mine did that for a few minutes. I took it out and realized the impeller shaft was not aligned with the from guard. There is a hole in the front guard you have to make sure its in that hole. You can't run it with out that guard if thats what you are wanting to do. Speaking of.. I have a week old...
  18. aquaferg

    Trade a Koralia?

    I have a Koralia 4 that I have had for about a week. Got it from Dr. Foster. It's too much flow for my tank. I need a Koralia 2. Any one wanna trade?
  19. aquaferg

    Curing LS?

    The tubing probably wouldn't have a large enough ID. I assume you are looking to use tubing that is 1/4 - 1/2' OD. This would cause you more of pain than going to lowes and picking up a piece PVC...
  20. aquaferg

    Foxface issues

    Mine does that too on occasion. I think he is just like the rest of us.. Hate Mondays or is pissed off at a tank mate or something. They are moody fish. They remind me of a pregnant woman....