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  1. drew_tt

    Copper in QT tank. . .

    it still counts as quarantining even if theres copper in the tank, right? :| Drew :)
  2. drew_tt

    Is this REALLY True??

    the "any size tank" part is not true yes, if they are a mated pair, they will produce their planktonic larvae on a regular basis, and will supply a lot of plankton for a while I dont know what size tank it would feed... dont think anyone would know. if you watch them just after your lights go...
  3. drew_tt

    Conchs again...

    just wondering which ones stay on the sand, which ones will venture onto rocks, and if any will clean the glass. thanks, Drew :)
  4. drew_tt

    i think i have bristle worms>>

    believe me, no one is going to pay for large bristle worms smaller ones are bought because they are good sand sifters, detritus eaters, and do a good job of cleaning and chances are if you were able to catch them with ease, they might be dead ;) are they moving? Drew :)
  5. drew_tt

    iodine overdose

    I was just wondering what it would do to inverts, fish? Drew :)
  6. drew_tt

    2 kinds of powder tangs together???

    you put the same group/family. Family is another word. I thought you meant the family Acanthurinidae... sorry if it was my mistake, but family is a completely different does not mean genus. Drew :)
  7. drew_tt

    2 kinds of powder tangs together???

    salty was referring to their genus. fish in the same family can be very different... also, all tangs are in the same family, all damsels in the same family, and so on... a genus is just a smaller group with more closely related fish. Drew :)
  8. drew_tt

    one of my yellow tangs died

    all I can think of is your tang was VERY stressed... yellows especially are quite skittish... they need their holes-and-caves to bolt into when frightened... I would think with no LR or much to hide in, he got so stressed he died... also, tangs like to graze all day instead of one or two big...
  9. drew_tt

    Schooling fish for 40 gallon help!!

    there are no butterflies, tangs, or angels that could live in a group [6-10] in a 40 gallon tank. a 40 is too small for one tang, but you could keep one dwarf angel in it... *generally,* dwarf angels fight among eachother, especially among their own species... I cant think of very many...
  10. drew_tt

    Can you beleive this......

    I know what youre saying... yes, tangs are much more sensitive than damsels, but cycling with fish is cycling with fish. You cannot blame the worker for their advice. Your friend chose, out of his own free will, to cycle with live fish. His choice... whats the difference what fish he uses...
  11. drew_tt

    Can you beleive this......

    I dont acknowledge that this "idiot" gave good advice, but you can *essentially* cycle with any fish. Cycling with fish is fish. I, myself, think cycling with fish is cruel and wrong, but whats the difference between cycling with a tang or damsel? This lfs is almost the same as any other that...
  12. drew_tt

    Stocking problems...

    yup...I know and ill be prepared to move the cb... dwarf angels *generally* dont get along, but a good portion of them have good is a risk, but I know they may work...there is no real way to tell... the flame will stay no matter what, tho... Drew :)
  13. drew_tt

    Stocking problems...

    In my 90 gal reef-in-progress, I have a royal gramma and a mandarin. Its been set up for almost two months. Yes, blahblah blah...mandarins, pods. blah. I know, but this guy LOVES prepared foods..Ive seen him picking at my 140#+ LR for the past couple days [got him 2 days ago], but he does...
  14. drew_tt

    How do you cut frags off an anemone to reproduce?

    In the Kingom Animalia, under the Phylum Cnidaria, are all of the jellyfish, corals, anemones, etc... They are related via the same taxon level, but its still pretty general. Animals in this taxa have a very simple anatomy. Now, anemones dont have extensive systems, but they are more complex...
  15. drew_tt

    Little Dude's on glass

    Kris, as far as I know, its cells were very similar to any sort of green algae cells [Class Chlorophyta] Im not a biologist...just in high school, but I havent found any other info on em. I know mine only lasted a few days when they were present. Drew :)
  16. drew_tt

    Little Dude's on glass

    I had em when my tank was cycling... took a few out, put em under a microscope and they appeared to be some sort of algae... Im guessing some sort of juvenile species of the class Chlorophytes just because of the cell structure... Drew :)
  17. drew_tt

    Propogating Halimeda

    thanks, Ill try that. does it matter where I really 'cut' it off from? Drew :)
  18. drew_tt

    Anyone have pictures of sick fish for ID's?...

    I didnt treat. I noticed another post, and mine is almost the same. She has her share of spots in the early morning, but by night, they are gone. But the white 'cotton' growth under her chin has been with her for about a day now... I have no idea what it could be... its about 4mm across just...
  19. drew_tt

    Propogating Halimeda

    sorry. <img src="graemlins//dead.gif" border="0" alt="[dead]" /> shameless bump ^
  20. drew_tt

    Anyone have pictures of sick fish for ID's?...

    or is there a site with pictures of sick fish? My gramma had ick about 2 weeks ago. A few days ago, he got a couple spots on his caudal fins. Then, his colour would fade on and off... Its much duller right when the lights go on which is understandable, but its not like it used to be. The...