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  1. leftyblite

    What's your loosing battle?

    Bristle worms, bristle worms, bristle worms.
  2. leftyblite

    New lineup

    Originally Posted by tywtly13 I tried foxfaces before...they killed everything else I've had my foxface for almost a year now and it has not bothered any of the other fish in my tank and it is by far the biggest fish in the tank.
  3. leftyblite

    Flame or coral beauty angel???

    How big do the potters angel get? Would it possibly work in my tank? If not I'm going with the flame but the potters angel is very interesting.
  4. leftyblite

    Flame or coral beauty angel???

    I wasn't sure if I could do both as I didn't want to overstock my tank. My tang, lion and foxface are small now(Tang & Lion-3 inches Foxface-5 inches), but won't be for long.
  5. leftyblite

    Flame or coral beauty angel???

    I've always liked the flame, just wanted to make sure it is compatable. good to know that it is. Thanks for the help and advice.
  6. leftyblite

    Flame or coral beauty angel???

    No coral in my tank just live rock.
  7. leftyblite

    Flame or coral beauty angel???

    I currently have a 150G tank with a foxface, blue tang, and a dwarf lion. I want to get either a flame angel or a coral beauty angel. I love the flame but have heard they can be very aggressive. My wife likes the coral beauty. Would either of these be compatable with what I currently have in the...
  8. leftyblite

    Lion Fish

    Originally Posted by sk8shorty01 What I did to get mine to eat the frozen foods was to wait about 4 days or so without feeding. Then take a live feeder and stab it with the feeding stick right at the base of the tail (so you dont kill it, but so it stays still) and when the lion gulps that...
  9. leftyblite

    Adding color to Lion tank

    I guess I got lucky, my bicolor angel was one of the easiest to get to start eating, the toughest was the lion.
  10. leftyblite

    Adding color to Lion tank

    Have my dwarf lion in with a foxface and a blue tang and bicolor angel in a 150G. Tank has a lot of color in it. They all seem to get along great from what I've observed.
  11. leftyblite

    Porcupine Puffer Questions

    If you have a big enough tank go for it. They are hands down my favorite fish. Personality wise they are usually like a small dog. If the clowns are big enough OK otherwise when the puffer gets big enough it will be a nice snack. Good luck.
  12. leftyblite

    new guy

    Welcome to the boards. Cool pics
  13. leftyblite

    Bicolor Angelfish?

    It took about 3 days to get mine to eat, but since then it has been good. He is currently in a 150g with a foxface, dwarf lion, and a blue tang. Good luck!!!
  14. leftyblite

    Weening a Lion Fish

    Buckster....with regards to above LOL LOL LOL
  15. leftyblite

    thinking about a lionfish....

    I've only had my lion a few weeks. When I have to put my hand into the tank, he usually hides. I just make sure I'm aware of where he is if I'm moving stuff. Also I've noticed that if Iam near him he keeps is spines down, I'm pretty sure he now recognizes me and is comfortable. Usually when...
  16. leftyblite

    Weening a Lion Fish

    I recently got mine off of live foods I hope for good. It does take work and patience though. The LFS was feeding mine only guppies. As I've stated in earlier posts it was a chore. I was trying to feed him by hand but have been discouraged about this for good reasons and so I stopped. A few days...
  17. leftyblite

    How often to feed a dwarf lion

    I finally got my dwarf lion to eat frozen food after misstep after mistep. Thanks to all who helped in the earlier post. The LFS where I bought him said to only feed once a week. I thought I read on some post in here that it should be 2-3 times a week. I'm confused. I fed him yesterday 3...
  18. leftyblite

    My NEW tank: Fu Manchu Lionfish!

    Awesome find. How big do they get?
  19. leftyblite

    Just another dwarf lion feeding question. PLEASE HELP!!!

    Sorry Srfisher, didn't quite catch the krill part on your post, until I re read it this morning. I'll go back in the next day or so and pick them up. Only question is they were frozen not freeze dried. Is this still OK or is there a difference???
  20. leftyblite

    you're favorite fish

    Hands down my porc puffer, he was just like a small puppy. Unfortunately he died recently. My family convinced me to get a dwarf lion and he is rapidly becoming my second favorite.