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  1. fshhub

    getting worms out of live rock

    ??????? i am confuzzled here which ones are BAD? i know the fireworms are not as well liked as others by some, but bad???? nah. i want them all, except maybe VERY VERY large ones, which can be removed, if you like and as for the rock, you do realize that you ruined a perfectly good live rock...
  2. fshhub

    How important is the protein skimmer

    i personally would wait til the cycle is complete. but it is just fine to run them from the beginning as well. but NOT wait for a year or whatever. hth
  3. fshhub

    Water change

    Originally posted by Scighera and if it is wise that I'm storing water from my tank to add when it gets low. lion pretty well said it, and to answer this one a little better use only fresh water, to replenish your evaporation. when evaporates, the salt does not go witht hte water. so, adding...
  4. fshhub

    Just added water, what's next?????

    cured rock, wont hurt your cycle. if anything, IMEO, it will help it along faster
  5. fshhub

    need opinion about LFS

    pet stores are comonly odifferous it takes special ventilation and complete isolation to even hope to combat this. many mom and pops wont because of cost sad but that is the facts, i takes money to keep the smell down in a LPS
  6. fshhub

    Cant get particles out of the water!

    fresh (as in NEW) water wont make a difference more important, how was it moved? and how long was it apart?
  7. fshhub

    Fishing rods?

    trolling, casting, or fly? in that range, there really is not much worth getting. but something could possibly be had if you look around. in any case, what i am trying to say, for saltwater in that range, 50-100 you are gonna get pretty much the same quality gear no matter teh manufacturer. i...
  8. fshhub

    My 55 gallon Reef Tank

    Originally posted by fshhub slow down a bit guys, all of us need to remember a few things. fourth, this is an open board, open to all, COOL THE LANGUAGE!!! ON TOP OF THAT, we will not tolerate flaming and fowl language PLEASE, do as you want. but lets onot fight, EVERYONE, let's forget about...
  9. fshhub

    Bigscreen TV question.

    as to plasman, i would wait a while. it is nice. but.... does not last long enough to make it worth the money. last i checked, it actually has a life span which is narrowed down to be acurate within months. that span is (i for get either) 7 or 8 years. and unlike most guarentees, plasma is...
  10. fshhub

    Coraline algae

    coraline like other algaes help with ammonia and trite/trates light green is one color that could be coraline as well can you give a little better description. ie texture, and such
  11. fshhub

    anyone have a problem with hartz flea drops?

    IF you have a problem with cats and allergies, try head and shoulders. it controls dander. and dander is the actual cause of most of our allergies, not the hair. plus, it also helps with eczema(sp) as to the hartz products, they are not what we all used to think they were. AND, most of these...
  12. fshhub

    Anyone who goes to.....

    btw, someone/thing famous like that walkin their halls? you would think that would be common knowledge almost like where is the principals office.
  13. fshhub

    Anyone who goes to.....

    Originally posted by Salty Cheese It was Jack Ruby. Do they teach history in school anymore?:notsure: Oops, thread jack.:D guess not, sides those are facts that we should know from elementary school. we did
  14. fshhub

    Which filter for 150+ - LifeGuard, Ocean clear or Wet/Dry?

    save some money build a sump(and or fuge) and add to that a GOOD skimmer. you will be much, MUCH better off in the long run, and will prob cost less. not to mention much less maintenance. for a reef, i say sump/skimmer is best posible.
  15. fshhub

    who should we NOT listen to?

    jwt has pretty much said it. unfortunately there are some members who may not give " the best" advice. but on this board, we do not allow flaming and pointing out members is pretty much in that direction. you do have a point, how to tell if it is good advice normally with most questions you...
  16. fshhub

    The un-keepable fish....

    btw moorish idols are the impossibles. i have seen them, but not long term highly difficult would be anemones and any seahorses
  17. fshhub

    The un-keepable fish....

    Originally posted by Chandler04 His name is timmy and he eats reeses peanut butter cups. i guess they missed this part too.
  18. fshhub

    Is this normal?

    yes, it is normal. many things get caught in filters that we do not want to remove. this is one fo the resaons why we don't use filters, becaused cleaning and changing can be a NOT SO GOOD idea.
  19. fshhub

    UV sterilizer on a reef set-up. Yes or No.

    Originally posted by Badkharma I've seen many established reef tanks in different LFS's/fellow hobbyists, and almost all of them run UV's 24/7. They have massive coraline growth and pod populations. No hair algae, and no disease outbreaks. There seems to be many that say they are bad and...
  20. fshhub

    Useless facts.

    well, heck, as long as we are back on this one again, here is another one that i bet most of you did not know the "F" word. you know f..k is actually an acronym for Fornication Under Consent of King long story short, at one time in old england, we used to need permission to propogate and have...