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  1. spartanph

    First Tank Fish Selection

    The first fish I put in my tank were bluegreen chromis. They are pretty hearty. I have 5 of them but you could go with 3 or 4. They are inexpensive and it's fun to watch them schooling together. They are also not as aggressive as damsel's so they can be kept in your tank when you start...
  2. spartanph

    Clown Goby and Diamond Goby?

    I have crushed coral substrate (if I could only go back in time) would a diamond goby clean the crushed coral or are they particular to sand?
  3. spartanph

    Fish Recommendation

    I'm looking for recommendations for final inhabitants of an 85 gallon reef. :thinking: Need to play well with: 1 Kole Tang 5 Blue/Green Chromis 1 Foxface Rabbitfish 2 True Percs I would like to add 1 perhaps 2 tank mates. This is a ways off but I'd like to hear recommendations. Thanks
  4. spartanph specials

    If you are talking about the items under the specials like that is just a sample of past specials. It's basically a place for you to sign up for the mailing list. The actual specials come via email I think.
  5. spartanph

    The whole gang in one shot

    Mystic what lense do you use with your D70?
  6. spartanph

    My tank =)

    Very cool, does it spend much time out in the open?
  7. spartanph

    New Pics

    :jumping: Wow, this is a beautiful tank. So many corals! How long has it been up? What size is it? What kind of lighting? And if you don't mind how much $$$ do you have in live stock?
  8. spartanph

    My tank =)

    What kind of crab is that in the last pic?
  9. spartanph

    UPDATES!! im excited

    What kind of coral is in that last picture?
  10. spartanph

    Hitchhiker ID.

    I really don't think it's caulerpa. I have the leafy and grape variety all over my live rock. What a pain! And this is really different. There are no vine like strands and it grew out of the red velvety growth on the live rock.
  11. spartanph

    My 1st Reef Tank

    Thanks everyone for the compliments. Threed240 you are correct about the aiptasia, been fighting it with joe's about once a week for the past 2 months. I should probably hit it more often. Tried peppermint shrimps but they didn't touch it. It really is a pain! Our tank is a 85 gallon tank...
  12. spartanph

    feeding time for shrooms

    And how?
  13. spartanph

    HELP!!! Whats wrong with my Finger leather!!!!!

    Winstew I had the same reaction when mine first did that as well. The first time he looked like that for a couple days. Now he's much quicker at it. Sometimes 2-3 times in the same day. Pyro I think you've coined the perfect term. ILS! I love it.
  14. spartanph

    Camera Decision

    IMHO the Nikon D70s is worth the extra $$$. I haven't used any of those in your list but tried several Canon Digital Elf's and Sony Digitals before upgrading to the digital SLR and I've never been happier with my picture quality.
  15. spartanph

    Hitchhiker ID.

    So I reached in and felt it. It kind of felt the consistency of a cactus or aloe plant.
  16. spartanph

    My 1st Reef Tank

    We've also added some new freinds. Elvis (Kole Tang), Bubba (Hermit), and Jacques (Cleaner Shrimp)
  17. spartanph

    My 1st Reef Tank

    Our hammer has already started to split one of the heads in just a few weeks.
  18. spartanph

    My 1st Reef Tank

    The leather coral has been really easy. He's grown quite a bit in the month or so we've had him. He's got a weird personality though. He's always shrinking up and expanding a few hours later.
  19. spartanph

    My 1st Reef Tank

    We added a pulsing xenia, star polyps, orange and purple zoos to the right side.
  20. spartanph

    My 1st Reef Tank

    Three months sure does go quick. Here are some updated pictures. To the left side we've added a finger leather, hammer and white pulsing xenia. The mushrooms seem to be running for cover to a more shaded area.