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  1. spartanph

    Need Expert Feeding Opinions

    I don't want this to turn into a how to fight slime post. I'm more interested in the proper nutrition part of feeding.
  2. spartanph

    Need Expert Feeding Opinions

    I have an 85 gallon reef with the following inhabitants. 1 Kole Tang 4" 1 Foxface Rabbit Fish 3" 2 False Percs 2" 5 Blue Green Chromis 1-1 1/2" 1 Cleaner Shrimp 3-5 Peppermint Shrimp 2 Emerald Crabs Couple Dozen assorted hermits Two-Three Dozen assorted snails Corals Are Very Large Finger...
  3. spartanph

    xenia kinda shrinking

    Check your iodine levels. Salifert makes a test kit. You may need to add some. Xenia like iodine. I had some die off on me and LFS suggested this. Xenia is doing great now.
  4. spartanph

    Adding sump/fuge

    Just assembling all the components. I'll post a pic when I have it complete. Thanks
  5. spartanph

    Adding sump/fuge

  6. spartanph

    Adding sump/fuge

    I have an 85 gallon reef tank right now with a hob prizm skimmer. I'm adding a sump/fuge similar to model f found on melevsreef site. Dimensions 36x14x18 The tank is not predilled. The plan is to put a cpr cs202 overflow on with one line to the fuge area and one line to the skimmer area. I'm...
  7. spartanph

    help White rock

    The white is die off and is normal for uncured live rock.
  8. spartanph

    Messy tank

    What are your water parameters? I think I read some place that if the calcium levels get to high it will start to "snow".
  9. spartanph

    A Possive Thread 4 Everyone

    Finally rid my tank of cyno after fighting it for about 2 months. Without using chemicals!
  10. spartanph

    What causes little bubbles to collect on top of the water around the edges?

    Is there also a slimy/oily film? You probably just need more surface flow. I added more power heads at the surface. Got a circular flow going around the top so that all of the surface had aggitation and there were no dead spots.
  11. spartanph

    A TV Show ob Coral Reefs

    I'd also recommend going to see the IMAX film "Coral Reef" It's amazing on the big screen. We took my 18 month old last week to the Detroit Science Center to see it and she found it captivating. It's more entertainment than documentary though.
  12. spartanph

    What's all this Red Sh*t Growing in my Tank?

    Solving the source of the problem is the key because it will come back. Drastically cutting back your light will help put a dent in it. There is a great thread in the archives on the steps to solve your problem. Just do a search in the archive forum on red slime.
  13. spartanph

    29 Gallon filteration

    Lots of live rock 1-2 lbs per gallon and a good protein skimmer are a good place to start.
  14. spartanph

    Lighting for 29 gallon

    Have you checked the trading section on the Michigan Reefers site. There are usually Michigan locals that have some pretty good trading offers. Their is a good diy reef website that has good kit prices on there also.
  15. spartanph

    my coral wont open

    Corals (even softies) need much better water quality to thrive then fish only tanks. You should get good test kits. Unless you post your parameters you can't expect to get good recommendations. The parameters RaveChild asked about are a good starting point.
  16. spartanph

    Grocery store RO or DI

    You can pick up an inexpensive TDS meter and test the quality of the water. I picked one up at my local water conditioning store for $25 made by hanna instruments. I'm glad I did because I tested the RO water from my LFS and it came out at 81 ppm which is really high. Changed to a different...
  17. spartanph

    Algae Issues

    I just went through the same thing and tried adding flow to the bottom. I'm sure that would help in prevention but as far as resolving an existing problem was a waste of time. I tried cutting back on feeding. That didn't help. I tested the RO from my LFS and the TDS was a ridiculous 81 ppm...
  18. spartanph

    few questions...

    1. A better question would be what size cleaning crew can your tank currently support. If you add to much cleaning crew your tank may not provide enough food for them. With my 85 gallon I added a dozen astrea snails and a dozen hermits to get started. They did a nice job of cleaning up my...
  19. spartanph

    Seaweed Sheets

    joncat mine do the same thing. 20 minutes max and it's floating. Thanks for the idea's. I'm going to try doubling it up first.
  20. spartanph

    Seaweed Sheets

    What's the secret to keeping them in the clip in one piece? Mine keeps tearing off and floating around the tank.