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  1. spartanph

    Clumsy Snail

    Constant 1.025. Ammonia 0, Trites 0, Trates 0, Calcium 450-470, kH 10, ph 8.3
  2. spartanph

    Clumsy Snail

    I have a turbo snail that got himself in a pickle. :notsure: I noticed him in the middle of a bunch of rocks the other day and didn't think anything of it until today I see he's in the same spot. :help: I moved a rock and his foot wasn't attached to anything. I picked him up and got him...
  3. spartanph

    algea bubbles or algea pearls help!!!

    My emerald crabs haven't touched the bublle algae. The seem to be feasting on the other macro algae's though.
  4. spartanph

    High Alkalinity in New Salt Mix

    Can anyone tell me if I need to worry about this level of alk?
  5. spartanph

    High Alkalinity in New Salt Mix

  6. spartanph

    High Alkalinity in New Salt Mix

    I just mixed a new batch of water and tested. SG 1.025 Alk 12.2 Calcium 450 It is a new tub of salt. Reef Crystals. How can I bring the Alk down or do I even need to?
  7. spartanph

    Mushroom Lighting

    I'm more worried about it being to much. The mushrooms in the shade look great. Those in the full light look terrible.
  8. spartanph

    Mushroom Lighting

    Is it best to keep mushrooms in shady areas? Everytime I move a rock into an area with more light they shrivel up. I don't have alot of lighting. 440 watt VHO on an 85 gallon. 2 10K to super actnic. If you have great shrooms what's the secret. My water quality has been consistently good...
  9. spartanph

    What are TDS Ideals?

    My RO unit was purchased years ago with my water softener. It is a 6 stage filter but I haven't changed the filters out for about 18 months. I figured I was over due and that is why I questioned the response of the people at the place I purchased it. Beth why would the unit need to be made for...
  10. spartanph

    What are TDS Ideals?

    I've been purchasing RO water from my LFS but recently have been seeing alot of diatoms. They show up about 1 week after water changes. I use RO water from my home RO system for top offs. I decided to take a sample of my home RO water to the company I purchased my RO system from thinking that...
  11. spartanph

    Foxface Rabbitfish Behavior

    I have a new foxface rabbitfish that has been in quarantine for the past 3 weeks. It seems that he is always hiding. Is this common behavior for this fish. Nothing else seems odd. He eats fine. When out to eat he seems to behave normally. Breathing is fine. Just runs and hides whenever...
  12. spartanph

    New 270 reef video

    Fabulous! Thanks for sharing.
  13. spartanph

    skimmer and air

    I occasionally have the same problem with mine. From what I've read and heard these skimmers just need to be constantly monitored. I check mine once a day to make sure that I have the right flow. When you start the skimmer start it with a real low flow, check it 20-30 minutes later and adjust...
  14. spartanph


    I took a closer look at this on my rock this weekend and it has developed lots of spikes. It is all over the place now. Could this be something bad?
  15. spartanph

    Good Digital Camera

    We love our Nikon D70s!
  16. spartanph


    I'm curious to the answer as well. After seeing this pic I have noticed quite a bit of the same thing in my tank. Rocks that were bright purple have little patches of it. I think mainly on the shaded side of the rocks.
  17. spartanph

    Maui Diving !!!!!!

    Arggh, we went 2 years ago for a wedding. Beautiful island but by the time we got done with the requisite family stuff we were worn out and just wanted to sit on the beach and sip mai tai's. I new we should have taken the time to at least snorkle.
  18. spartanph

    kole tang

    I've had one for about 2 months. Very nice fish.
  19. spartanph

    Lets see some cool aquascaping!!!

    Originally Posted by giants4pc Here's mine... Giants Is that a bare bottom in your tank?
  20. spartanph

    why nemo why?

    Perhaps he thought he could make it to the drain? Sorry for your loss. I haven't had much luck with clowns. I've lost 3. 1 to a PH, 1 shouldn't have came home with the wife from the LFS and the final to brookynella. :(