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  1. jimlssc24

    Who One the Pic Contest

    I don't think they said yet
  2. jimlssc24

    12 *new* pics!

    Lookin Great Mom
  3. jimlssc24

    digital slr cameras

    I have a canon and it Works Great!
  4. jimlssc24


    Wow that looks great what kind of camera do you have?
  5. jimlssc24


    Look out with toadstools. If They don't die, they get huge. I have one that started out as the size of a quarter and now its 10'
  6. jimlssc24

    A Rare Glimpse

    What does it eat?
  7. jimlssc24


    Do you have a picture of it?
  8. jimlssc24

    Will this Live?

    Maybe try to increase the flow in the area. How long how you had it?
  9. jimlssc24

    Yardright Change it's sand?

    Originally posted by Thomas712 Take a sample of your sand and test some of the sand with vinegar. If it bubbles/dissolves, it is calcium carbonate sand and should be safe to use. How long does it take to dissolve?
  10. jimlssc24

    Powder Blue Tang eating a toadstool

    I have a 300 gal tank with a 10' toadstool. And I just added a Powder Blue Tang. And he keeps eating my toadstool. Is there anything I can do to make him stop?
  11. jimlssc24


    I have a 300 gal tank and I have a Yellow tang, blue eye and a sailfin tang. And they get along Great!
  12. jimlssc24

    Poisonous Anemones

    WOW:scared: Way to go promisetbg
  13. jimlssc24

    800 watts mh

    I would do the same 2 then 4 then 6 up 8 hours on the mh
  14. jimlssc24

    sea anemone + filter = oops!

    You can try putting some egg crate in front of the filter. That might work. And he is going to keep moving until he finds the right spot.
  15. jimlssc24

    New Zoo frag!!!!

    Very nice good size too
  16. jimlssc24

    Yardright Change it's sand?

    What is the vinegar test?
  17. jimlssc24

    closed loop help

    I have never heard of this Squirt. Is it new? Do they have a web site? I would like to read up on them
  18. jimlssc24

    Sump Design

    Looks good to me how big is the sump
  19. jimlssc24

    coral comes off the live rock

    Just wedge it. Don't worry it will attach
  20. jimlssc24

    And 2 years later.

    Looks great I like the anemone