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  1. sac10918

    Corals bring in disease?

    Hey salt noob, Thanks for your answer. My fish are happy and healthy right now and I would hate to introduce something into the tank because I wanted a new coral. I saw a product at the LFS today that is like a dip for corals. IT says it won't harm your corals but can be used as a dip for them...
  2. sac10918

    HELP with Clown

    Hi My female clown has been swimming into the powerhead for the last few days. My ammonia tests zero, so does nitrite, nitrates are at 20 (trying to get them down). Does a fish swimming into a powerhead always mean that it is ill or maybe she just likes the movement?
  3. sac10918

    Corals bring in disease?

    Hi there I wanted to buy a few new corals and some cheato today to put into my 24 gallon aquapod. I had a bout with brook a few months ago but all fish are healthy now and the tank is disease free. I am sorta scared to add the corals and cheato for fear they might bring in disease. Can anyone...
  4. sac10918

    False clowns fighting over new carpet

    HI I think you might want to just give the clowns some time to work it out on their own rather than buying another anemone. I dont have any anemone's myself, but I hear that two in one tank can lead to chemical warfare. Some hairy mushrooms might be nice for the other clown, but he might not...
  5. sac10918

    How many fish???

    5-6 is wayyy too many fish for a 24 in my opinon. I have the 24 and hapilly keep three fish (2 clowns and a bicolor blenny). I think the absolute max you can have would be four. Maybe post which types of fish you were considering and we can help you narrow it down.
  6. sac10918

    Pics of my 24 Gal 'Pod!

    Hey Sugar Your tank looks very nice. I remember when you were just starting and having you temperature swings. I really like you clam too. I think you scooter looks a little skinny though. Does he get enough to eat? Maybe you could buy some pods online or at the LFS to add to the tank.
  7. sac10918

    HQI Aguapod

    Hi, I have the aquapod HQI. Lately, after about 2 hours of running, my metal halide light just shuts off. I then turn off the halide switch, wait a minute, and then turn it back on. Is my light broken, burnt out, or what? Anyone else with the aquapod have this problem. Lauren
  8. sac10918

    blenny with blenny?

    I think the white circles on the glass you are refering to are spirulids, not pods. You need a very established system with a lot of live rock and a refugium usually to have enough pods.
  9. sac10918

    Help !! F@#$ing LFS

    You could buy ocean water from Petsmart. IT comes in a 5 gallon box for $8.99. I like to have a box on hand. That way, you dont have to wait for the homemade water to mix and aerate.
  10. sac10918

    Dying Frogspawn?

    I think your nitrates are the problem. I had nitrates of 20 and my frogspawn stoped extending its tentacles. When I got the nitrates down to 0, it looked a whole lot better. Also, I think frogspawns generally like light flow, although I have a green frowspawn that is in a higher flow area and...
  11. sac10918

    Starting up new 12g NANO TANK

    I agree, putting a yellow tang in any nano is cruel and shouldn't be done. A pair of clowns would be just fine though. Although, I wouldnt put any more fish than the two clowns in a 12 gallon.
  12. sac10918

    questions about nano tank fish and skimmer

    It doesnet sound like you will need a chiller, but the skimmer is always a good idea. I think they are very beneficial. I have one on my 24 gallon (an aqua c remora) and I have been amazed at all the gunk it collects. In my nano, I have 2 clownfish and a bicolor blenny. I also have 2 cleaner...
  13. sac10918

    Nick's 24 gallon Aquapod

    Ncarvain It sounds to me like you are going way to fast. Did you just finish adding the live rock on the 17th, and then bought a whole clean up crew on the 19th? If so, you are moving way to fast. The secret to being successful in this hobby is patience. When I added my live rock, I let the tank...
  14. sac10918

    wwhats the minimal tank size got clown fish?

    Yes, you could keep a mated pair in a tank that size. Although, you can't add any more fish, just the clowns.
  15. sac10918

    2nd best to host clown

    Here is Max hosting his mushrooms!
  16. sac10918

    2nd best to host clown

    My clownfish hosts in hairy (fuzzy) mushrooms. There is a bubble coral in there too but he loves the mushrooms. He lays down in them and rubs them like an anemone.
  17. sac10918

    how many clowns should i get in my 70g tank???

    Just get a mated pair and some other reef safe fish. Otherwise, the clowns are likely to fight and kill one another.
  18. sac10918

    Xenia question

    I heard they will shrivel when the pH changes. Is you pH stable?
  19. sac10918

    Clownfish Emergency

    What about stray electicity? Do you have a grounding probe? I think there is a thread in the FAQ section about finding stray electricity and fixing it. How is the water flow in the tank? Good enough to break the surface of the tank and get oxygen into the water? Gosh, I sure hope that you can...
  20. sac10918

    interesting inverts

    What about feather dusters, have you checked into them? They are really neat and come in lots of pretty colors. I like the hot pink coco feather dusters the best. I don't think they have specific requirements as far as lighting and establishment, but Im not certain. Also, people who come over...