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  1. srfisher17

    Fish needing certain size tanks? My story...

    Originally Posted by sLadeM I do know a lot about the tanks, i just dont agree with a lot of size regulations that people live and die by. and i cant get a bigger tank because i live in a 2nd story apt, and the weight limit for a tank is 750lbs, and with my sump and everything Im already WAY...
  2. srfisher17

    Clown Fish Question

    Originally Posted by robertmathern Are you kidding me. Get a knife and chop it up to small pieces and drop it in whats so hard about that. Ot better yet chop it up in a food processor with some mysis and even a little alge sheet. Hey! I'm not as dumb as I look! Silverside are fine; but if you...
  3. srfisher17

    Clown Fish Question

    Originally Posted by robertmathern how is she acting today. Those possibilities are pretty much right on the money. I recomend shanging diet a little like feeding silversides. I make my food for my fish. But try switching it up a bit and add some fresh garlic to intice her to eat. See if that...
  4. srfisher17

    dwarf fuzzy lion

    Originally Posted by prime311 You don't really need to gutload ghost shrimp. The golden rule for any and all fish is variety. Just don't feed freshwater fish to a SW fish since there's nothing to gain in doing so(unless you just enjoy seeing your SW fish eat live fish). For new fish I prefer...
  5. srfisher17

    Yellow tail damsels

    The damsels will kill it. I wish I had $1 for every SW hobbyist who has sworn that they will never own another damsel.
  6. srfisher17


    Originally Posted by baysidefish Hi, I have two Cardinals, they appear healthy, I have had them for over a month, but I dont see them eat very often. Is that normal? thanks Just the obvious: if they're healthy, they must be eating. Nobody sees half of what I eat either.
  7. srfisher17

    Fish needing certain size tanks? My story...

    Originally Posted by sLadeM I am gonna clarify that if a fish was clearly too big for my tank, i would never cramp it, but if i get a baby fish and raise it until its at the max size and trade it, i dont see a problem. I was just asking why people freak out so [hr] about a fishs size, when i...
  8. srfisher17

    Fish needing certain size tanks? My story...

    There are many countries in the world that have shown that you can keep a dozen prisoners alive in a 6X10 cell. There may not be a lot of studies on the effects of cramping fish; because so much of the results are subjective.I have seen adult purple tangs in a tank that size and they don't even...
  9. srfisher17

    Clown agression

    This sounds like a pair reaching sexual maturity. They will still generally get along; but the larger female will need to display her dominance from time to time. (like my ex-inlaws). With Perculas, there isn't the huge size difference between genders, like there is with larger clowns. (maroons...
  10. srfisher17

    Clown problems?

    If you have any ammonia, under any circumstances, you're tank is not ready for fish. What are you using for bio-filtration? 5# of LR is not enough to establish a bio-filter in any size tank.
  11. srfisher17

    Yellow Tang feeding

    YTs will eat about anything. They are herbivores, so they need a lot of greens- seaweed, algae sheets are fine. and mature LR for grazing really helps. IMO & IME they may be one of the hardiest fish that swims. Very easy to keep alive, but must have the usual good husbandry to thrive. A...
  12. srfisher17


    Are you using anything as a bio-filter? If not, the way only to control ammonia is with water changes. If the ammonia test is accurate, .50 is way too high. This would kill many fish, possibly a lot of good bacteria too. Clowns are quite tolerant of ammonia, but it still stresses them (burns...
  13. srfisher17


    Originally Posted by fangelillo01 HAHAHAHAHAHA I'm not really too concerned about it, its just i'm afraid that it will screw around with my water parameters if there is too much. Am i overreacting or no?? As mentioned earlier; if your tank is cycled and you have a functional bio-filter; waste...
  14. srfisher17


    Herbivores do generate more waste than carnivores; because plants have much less nutrition than meat. Thats why herbivores, like your LMB, tangs, etc have to graze all day to get enough to eat. The same thing goes for cows, antelope, and land herbivores. I have to admit; I haven't ever heard...
  15. srfisher17


    [QUOTE=fangelillo01;3279855 Also what would eat the lawnmower blennies poop?? Its constantly eating and going it drives me crazy Your biological filter's main job is to get rid of fish waste. Unless you see big piles laying around, it must be working. You don't need snails or hermits for that job.
  16. srfisher17

    damsel problem

    As long as you have any damsels; they, not you, will decide what you can have in your tank. Very few folks buy damsels that don't regret it; how to get rid of damsels is one of the most common questions on this forum.
  17. srfisher17

    the buddy system

    No, they do just as well single, like me. Just don't try to pair them up down the road; a single maroon, if bought as a juvu, will almost always become female and won't tolerate any other clownfish.
  18. srfisher17

    maroon clownfish

    They do just fine as a single. Unless they are very small juvis, never introduce any other clown to the tank---the maroon won't tolerate it. If you want a pair of maroons (or any clown) you generally have 2 choices; buy them as a mated pair, or buy two juvis and one will usually become female...
  19. srfisher17

    got a cleaner wrasse.

    I'd be more concerned about the parasites than the cleaner wrasse. What kind of parasites? If you're talking about ich-type parasites; a cleaner will not solve your problem. If this is the case, you can't wait any longer to do something or you'll lose every fish.
  20. srfisher17

    Purple Tang

    All Red Sea fish are pricey. They're also usually very hardy and very well handled. I buy all my livestock online and would never change and they are usually available from major online retailers. One dealer has them on sale this week, $80 for a med one. I got 3 from there several years ago and...