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  1. jester

    Live rock looks like it's dying...

    Good question. What should it be at? Lights are about 6 months old. 3-175 MH and 80watt of antic.
  2. jester

    what would i have spent the money on if you weren't into aquariums...

    Well, a supercharger for my 93 Mustang GT.
  3. jester

    Live rock looks like it's dying...

    My live rock is turning white. I use pure ro/di water and add calcium suplimented with trace iodine. Any ideas??
  4. jester


    left turn, drink a Coors light. left turn, drink a Bud light. left turn, drink a Miller high life. left turn, drink a Old Style. Pit and refill for 4 fresh ones. HEHE. sorry, I like the cart cars. Just couldn't pass that up.
  5. jester


    Are you refering to the standpipe? If so, yes. They work so well I even use them on the outputs of my Berlin skimmer. I have one on my cs 100, 2 on my cs 102, and 2 on the berlin.
  6. jester

    my wife's last nerve

    very nice.
  7. jester

    OT: Anybody played the Law&Order ..

    computer game? I'm stuck.
  8. jester

    OT: Broomer5

    saved as Beck, but knowing broomer, he saved it with a different name.
  9. jester

    Too Much Pump

    What are the dimentions of the sump? Looks like can only hold about 10 gallons of water.
  10. jester

    Weight issue.............

    About 1700. (depending on what the stand is made of and how much the lights weigh) I figured 200 for the stand and canopy, and 40 for the lights.
  11. jester

    Ro-Di is this a good one

    I do have a few to sale if any one need a Condom Coin Operated Vending Machine for there home I can see it now...... Hold on honey, I need to find a quarter.......
  12. jester

    Merry Christmas!!!

    Hope everyone is having a happy and safe day.
  13. jester

    Berlin Protein Skimmer

    I read here that some use a mag 7 on them
  14. jester

    Plans for a large DIY fishtank

    MelbourneFL, I'm doing a little free hosting. I might be able to help while you find a permanent host. this is how it works: email me, I give you acess rights to my FTP, upload site, email me when your done, site is up. You don't get a fancy dot com address, but hell, it's...
  15. jester

    Any bet's on how long it will take?

    At 6 am today it was done. 81 hours for tank, sump, plumbing, skimmer and overflow box's. no salt yet. there is a package under my x mas tree that looks like a bucket. So, I'm getting either KFC or salt.
  16. jester

    New 240 Finally up and running

    real nice. how long is it? 7 or 8 feet?
  17. jester

    MH cooling fan question

    not enclosed 1. (fan) ----> [MHBULB] [MHBULB] (fan) ----> or enclosed 2. [hr] > (fan) [hr] > [MHBULB] [MHBULB] [hr] > (fan) [hr] >
  18. jester

    Mag 9 Vibrate's Loud "help"

    I put a piece of rubber under my 24. Keeps it from vibrating against the sump bottom.
  19. jester

    Any bet's on how long it will take?

    About 70 degrees I let it fill the sump las night (30 ga) because I'm not going to be home untill late tonight and didn't want a flood. By my math, everything shpuld be done filling around 12:30m tonight.
  20. jester

    Any bet's on how long it will take?

    Well Javatech, I hooked up the hot line and now it's flowing better. thanks for the suggestion.