left turn, drink a Coors light.
left turn, drink a Bud light.
left turn, drink a Miller high life.
left turn, drink a Old Style.
Pit and refill for 4 fresh ones.
sorry, I like the cart cars. Just couldn't pass that up.
Are you refering to the standpipe? If so, yes. They work so well I even use them on the outputs of my Berlin skimmer. I have one on my cs 100, 2 on my cs 102, and 2 on the berlin.
I do have a few to sale if any one need a Condom Coin Operated Vending Machine for there home
I can see it now......
Hold on honey, I need to find a quarter.......
I'm doing a little free hosting. I might be able to help while you find a permanent host.
this is how it works:
email me, I give you acess rights to my FTP, upload site, email me when your done, site is up. You don't get a fancy dot com address, but hell, it's...
At 6 am today it was done.
81 hours for tank, sump, plumbing, skimmer and overflow box's.
no salt yet. there is a package under my x mas tree that looks like a bucket. So, I'm getting either KFC or salt.
About 70 degrees
I let it fill the sump las night (30 ga) because I'm not going to be home untill late tonight and didn't want a flood. By my math, everything shpuld be done filling around 12:30m tonight.