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  1. leigh

    OT. I am feeling old.

    NMReef--you should take the lead from my grandma's old approach to age--she declared that women in her family only aged up to 40 then their age went back down again--ie she was about 3 when she passed away and my mom is 26 now--pretty impressive with a 24 yr old daughter :D
  2. leigh

    OT. I am feeling old.

    I's all a matter of what you declare your needs to be. I think I'm fortunate to get paid to be a grad student, but I had to work my tail off and chase funding to make that happen. I make lousy money, but I am doing exactly what I want to do. I can afford a small house and to...
  3. leigh

    The frogspawn ricordia incident...

    Ricordia is one of the toughest corals around. I had one get stung and pulled off it's rock by an aggressive/hostile bubble coral. It was all shriveled up and I though for sure it was dead. But I moved it away from the bubble and now it looks great...only took it a few days really to look a...
  4. leigh


    Yes--if you're disturbing your filtration in any way--which you are by moving your cc and sand, you will have some cycle to deal with...sorry :(
  5. leigh

    test kiits

    Yeah, salifert sells one (pricy, but very good quality)'s called a 'master test kit' i believe. I think red sea also sells one too. In all likelihood though you'll decide you want a few tests that aren't in the master kits with time...they're a good base though! Try to get something at...
  6. leigh

    Green Transparent Balloons?

    Err,...dindi, there's a big difference between grape caulerpa and bubble algae. It is more likely that he has bubble algae since he says it's popping up on three of his live rock pieces. Caulerpa normally has a runner of some sort connecting all the 'grapes'. You are right though, it's...
  7. leigh

    Green Transparent Balloons?

    Sounds like bubble algae. Can be a pain in the rear. Emerald crabs sometimes eat it, but sometimes they just eat polyps and/or fish. Some tangs and foxface will eat it, but again some don't. You can also manually remove it but be careful the bubbles don't burst in the tank as it'll spew...
  8. leigh

    Crazy fish behavior

    Thinking about this more it may also be crashing in combo with not being properly cycled--you'd be better off--particularly with your smaller tank and smaller quantity of live rock--adding the fish one at a time. You can make a really nice 26 gal tank, so don't get down on yourself now...just...
  9. leigh

    Crazy fish behavior

    yes, those ammonia and nitrite levels are nearly lethal. i think your tank is still cycling and that is probably why your fish are acting odd. Do you have any friends who could maybe take in your fish for a couple weeks while your tank finishes cycling? Or perhaps the lfs that you bought them...
  10. leigh

    Crazy fish behavior

    Originally posted by Rickster Your SINGLE false perc can be fixed with a similar friend. Not necessarily true. If your false perc is a mature female and you add another mature female they'll fight. If it's male and you add a male they'll fight until one becomes the dominant female. 2...
  11. leigh

    Crazy fish behavior

    What are your water parameters like? And what sort of setup do you have? -leigh
  12. leigh

    here's my rotten luck

    i thought corals and algaes took co2 out of the water and produced oxygen? so hypothetically wouldn't the best scenario be the large reef with low bioload? (she writes as 'severe thunderstorms' roll overhead hoping power doesn't go out...)
  13. leigh

    here's my rotten luck

    so does bioload affect survivability? ie...if you only have 3 fish in a 125 versus 8 fish in a 50, when the power kacks out...i assume the person with 3 fish in the 125 is less likely to have losses cause there is less consuming oxygen right?
  14. leigh

    here's my rotten luck

    wow, i just never would've thought you could get that oxygen depleted in 6 hrs. guess i've gotten lucky when i've had power failures! again, ohioballer, sorry for your rotten luck. i feel for you :(
  15. leigh

    brown obnoxious flatworms

    Just as an update--as hopefully this might help folks in the future--i had terrific luck with the six-line wrasse flat worm eating machine I bought. I was lucky in that my favorite lfs guy is moving (where he lives, not where his shop is) so he's been selling off all the livestock he had in his...
  16. leigh

    here's my rotten luck

    ack, sorry :( at least you got $75 to replace stuff with :( what caused the deaths? did the tank temp rise/fall? I'm always curious when people say power outages caused such deaths--I've had power outages but never lost anything, but my house even without power stays a relatively constant...
  17. leigh

    Possible causes of deaths?

    Yes acclimation is definitely critical. However fish are relatively insensitive to salinity--1.021 is not at all low--for disease prevention many fish stores will keep fish only systems as low as 1.019. It is inverts that are most sensitive to salinity and 1.021 long term is a bit low for...
  18. leigh

    Most corals with JBJ's

    Definitely do the MH's if you want to have sps. The two jbj's you're talking about are 520 watts (260*2=520) that size tank it's just not enough. plus you'd have a bit of a bright spot from the overlap. Go with the MH's...that sounds like a great deal! as for blue--i think a lot of that...
  19. leigh

    Possible causes of deaths?

    I'm guessing he meant 1.021 which should be fine for fish--inverts will have a hard time with that low a specific gravity, but it wouldn't kill fish. I'm suspecting other inhabitants...
  20. leigh

    Possible causes of deaths?

    oops, sorry, misread that...thought those were the fish you have not the fish you tried. what fish do you have in there aside from the perc?