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  1. leigh

    Weirdness....Ammonia and Nitrites

    I would be alarmed. Anemone's are inverts so they do not add to the bioload really--I would not expect any changes in ammonia and nitrites. How old are your test kits? Are you sure they haven't just gone bad? What's your bioload like?
  2. leigh

    Is this a good deal?

    That's a good point DVSkin...I was thinking about that...but also thinking that I don't have anything really light intensive now--and I just can't swing the cost of the setup (minus lights) and then buy lights. Too much all up--i mean my ideal is MH pendants (i really like the open look) and to...
  3. leigh

    Is this a good deal?

    Wow, Melissa really? Did you go check it out--ie it didn't leak and the stuff they said came with it really was quality? I can't imagine walking away from it for $900! and jwtrojan--it's a good thought--I've already got the guy contemplating if he'd let me make payments on it...i don't want to...
  4. leigh

    Is this a good deal?

    Following is for sale used from my LFS--the guy is moving (his house) and selling off his own personal tanks...he's got a schweet 300 gal, but that's definitely out of the budget--but how bout this: 140 gal Clarity Plus Reef Ready (drilled, acrylic, 60x18x30) Hood with 8x55 watt power compacts...
  5. leigh

    Is This Normal?????

    How old are your bulbs--age can also contribute to algae growth. Don't do a water change just yet unless your ammonia and 'trite levels are high. It'll be best if you can let your tank do it's mini-cycle without a water change so that the bacteria can catch up quickly--but if it gets dangerous...
  6. leigh

    ecosystem 40

    mandarin will be next at 50
  7. leigh

    Any one see something like this?

    Oh yeah, good call-- :D i'm known for occasionally missing the forest while staring at one tree :p
  8. leigh

    sun coral feeding

    Mine does like phyto...but to really keep it happy it needs something meaty as well. I have a sizable clean up crew including 3 brittle stars and a defensive line worth of hermits so I am not particularly concerned with overfeeding my tank--so I use the turkey baster approach smarls...
  9. leigh

    Any one see something like this?

    some sort of tube worm perhaps? try doing a search for that and see if it turns up anything similar. Does it look feather duster like only that the ends are sifting the sand? Or does it look totally different? Does the tube part look soft or hard? could it be a feather duster that got...
  10. leigh

    we need an ID here cool...too bad whatever it is washed up dead :o
  11. leigh

    Is This Normal?????

    Depends...what's your clean up crew like, any snails? 4 damsels in a 20 would be a bit tight in a 20 gal but should be dandy in a 40. What type of algaes are you having problems with? What is your lighting like? What are your water parameters like? And RO water will help...
  12. leigh

    Mushroom lighting

    Yes, a ballast rated for higher wattage should be able to fire a lower wattage bulb. But why would you want to?!? I say if you have the ballast for 40 watts, put 40 in 'er!
  13. leigh

    Is This Normal?????

    It could be...has it been a longstanding problem for you? ie did you have the problem in your 20? You can normally find RO water fairly cheap at a fish store or walmart/kroger/big chain store like that. That and there's always the buying an RO unit option... personally I just buy it at my...
  14. leigh

    Is This Normal?????

    They will go away on their own (usually as quickly as they showed up) so long as you're using RO water. If you're using tap water you could be in for a long battle.
  15. leigh

    Mushroom lighting

    when i first set up my tank i had 80 watts (a dual NO strip) over a 50 gal tank. I was able to keep umbrellas, a hairy mushroom, and other small shrooms alive. They weren't spreading with any great speed, nor were they growing much, but they existed. If you could turn one of your single strip...
  16. leigh

    Is This Normal?????

    Hey...the brown algae is likely diatoms which I would say is normal for that big a change. Since you adjusted your sand bed you should expect somewhat of a cycle. Are you using RO water? If not changing to that will help with diatom problems. Are the anemone and starfish in the new tank? If...
  17. leigh

    Poor Nemo's ! How many on here eat seafood?

    aw man. now that list is gonna make me give up seafood--bout the only think on the 'best choices' list I really like is alaskan salmon--but who can afford to eat that regularly. (thank goodness my boyfriend's from alaska and his parents ship us salmon with some regularity :D )
  18. leigh

    Coraline on the glass

    scraping it off the front glass also does help with spreading it to the back glass (and everywhere else)...those spores you scraped off didn't disappear after all, but go off to populate more areas :D and i too seem to have a lot of coraline where my flow is strongest (i have a pink 2" circle on...
  19. leigh

    OT: (KIND OF)Paper I wrote for school

    looks good to me--but if your teacher isn't familiar with salt water tanks you might want to explain some of the phrases you use--i was just trying to read from the point of view of someone with no knowledge of the subject and i'd have no idea what a sump is or what nitrates/trites/ammonia/ph...
  20. leigh

    OT. I am feeling old.

    He he...well I wasn't intending to start a 'who's poorer' thread. But OA and kyaney, you prove my point exactly, after all in your both your posts you write 'my wife and i' clearly you had a family (at least the wife part of it) point was just that if we really want to do something...