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  1. leigh

    1000th post!

    LOL--thomas, glad you got it :) And Rick, thanks--and you're exactly right about a bigger tank--though in thinking even more I think my 'big' tank someday will definitely be 6 ft not 5 ft--6 just seems more useful...but hey--can't afford either now so it's all just in that little dreamworld...
  2. leigh

    refugium for a 20gal tank? what do i need?

    Yeah, 5 gal is plenty for a 20--more is always better ;) but 5 will do the job just dandy.
  3. leigh

    1000th post!

    oh my word. you know of all the silly nicknames i've picked up throughout my life no one has ever thought of that one--normally flea was the spinoff. tangs--clearly you are wittier than most...i still stick to the easy ones--like try singing the banana song with my boyfriend's name...
  4. leigh

    Is this a good deal?

    Thanks for all the input folks! I told the lfs I'd only do it if he'd let me make payments and he keeps saying he wants to think on it--which has made me decide to opt out...I gave him a day and a half to think on it--I don't intend to wait on the sidelines while he sees if he has a better...
  5. leigh

    1000th post!

    I'm sure it's funny--but I didn't get it :D
  6. leigh


    A powerhead just has a pump in it--you plug it into the wall, it pulls water and pushes it out at high velocity. Benefits of powerheads are increasing water circulation which in turn allows for oxygen exchange which in turn keeps your fish from suffocating! :eek: I've had good luck with Rio...
  7. leigh

    refugium for a 20gal tank? what do i need?

    A refugium allows for nutrient export and diversity of species. Many pods can exist in the 'fuge that will get gobbled up in the display tank by fish and caulerpa can be grown and harvested in the refugium for nitrate export. Just a couple of the benefits of a 'fuge...
  8. leigh

    Nitrite a little high- help lowering?

    What's a 'little' high--many of us would say anything is too high. Did you have a 0 reading before adding the fish? If not I think Buzz is right on and the tank never finished cycling. What is your ammonia level like? And you say you want to get down nitrates and nitrites. Are you having a...
  9. leigh

    Tip of the week

    Only thing I would add is that some more sensitive species like many tangs should never be netted--use the net to corral them into a bag (or disposable tupperwear works well for me)...
  10. leigh

    Is this a good deal?

    Hmm...well, I'm willing to accept that I'd pay a premium for really knowing the history and status of the tank. I went back by the store and tried to negotiate him down to no avail. He's not likely to be willing to part out the lights and tank since it is a fairly unique size hood--the odds of...
  11. leigh

    Purple tang and lateral line disease

    Another update: I have been using garlic still in the frozen food and zoecon in most food as well. Vic (the purple tang) appeared to be getting mildly better with only garlic--but I must say the zoecon has really been a kick in the pants. His improvement is quite dramatic. He no longer has...
  12. leigh

    Is this a good deal?

    I think what I'm hearing is I really need to start looking in the paper/going to yardsales more often! (I've always wondered though, with yard sale/paper items--how do you know the tank is copper free and holds water?--that always seemed like it'd scare me)
  13. leigh

    Is this a good deal?

    Wow, so the poll has swung to the 'no' side...anyone have any last input before I go back by the store today?
  14. leigh

    1000th post!

    Bambalamb--that is so sweet, thanks, glad you're enjoying your tanks--and Broomer has done a lot for a lot of us by just exuding good info. Debi, I apologize and now I will remember it correctly. I started to go in and edit that post, but then I realized that's why I couldn't find you when I...
  15. leigh

    Is this a good deal?

    I dunno--I think Justin was talking about Coral Reef in A^2...which has been run by Dave since it opened...(and Dave used to work at Fish Doctors so the two stores do have a lot in common--which is a good thing :) )
  16. leigh

    Bubble Algae

    I never had luck personally with suctioning--but those who do I'm jealous! Emerald crabs: have been known to eat bubble algae; they also have been known to go after fish, polyps, anything green, and in my case bubble coral. It really varies on the personality of the crab. Some go nuts with...
  17. leigh

    1000th post!

    Aw...Debbie (I do have your real name right I hope?) and Chad you two are both way to sweet :) (And Chad I can't call you Chad, I have to call you DvSkin or else my bf will get jealous ;) ) Chinny, yeah I guess I do spend too much time on this board, and Debbie thanks for the vote of confidence...
  18. leigh

    Is this a good deal?

    er...justinx, why you wanna know? he he...please please please don't go and try to 'out-bid' me! but yes it's from the latter.
  19. leigh

    Is this a good deal?

    LOL Krunk, if I opt out I will :D
  20. leigh

    1000th post!

    Well, this is my 1000th post, so I get to come up with some witty title for myself. Since I love my giant hermit crabs I want to be crab girl--but that just sounds wrong :rolleyes: . Anyways, I do feel obliged to give the traditional thanks to schpeal. I really have learned so much...