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  1. leigh

    Who feeds their fish Nori?

    i feed my tang nori though he really dives into spirulina over the nori any day...
  2. leigh


    Very interesting. And yes--Guy skunks are what I meant. Is the trend towards skunk cleaners over the cleaner goby because they do a better job? because they don't affect bioload? or something else I'm missing? thanks for the input! -leigh
  3. leigh

    I'm no Ryebread but...

    Thanks everyone :) Ken, what constitutes baby boats? We here like all boats, big and small :). I do nonlinear dynamics--mostly capsize type problems--but I'm very theoretical--so I only deal with hypothetically capsizing hypothetical boats :p What was the company in Cadillac? My bf is the...
  4. leigh


    Sorry but no. Actually running light 24 hours is likely to do more harm to your fish and corals then having too little light. Almost all animals require some sort of night/day cycle. When people don't have it it makes them nutty...same to some extent with fish. If you can buy a better...
  5. leigh


    After your tank has been running a month or so, take a peek in it using a red flashlight--you'll see all sorts of creepy crawlies you never knew existed. The 'small' anemone you got for $3...make sure it's not aptaisia--if it is you'll have a hard time killing it and it'll spread--it's a...
  6. leigh

    I'm no Ryebread but...

    Hee hee...they're not hams--they're keeping their eyes on the cat--who is a ham for the camera--i think they figure between the two of them they could take her down! Nicky I'm with you on the frogspawn--normally i only buy small frags (and i have one small frogspawn frag) but when I saw that...
  7. leigh

    I'm no Ryebread but...

    Thanks ReefNut. And Rye you crack me up. I'd offer you some stilleto heels, but I live just a little too close to you to have to fear your new wife coming up here to kick my butt. ;) Originally posted by RyeBread That hermit crab is the cutest way possible of course. ;)...
  8. leigh

    overheated tank!

    if they're with you now they've probably made it through the worst part...just be sure to lower the temp slowly! sorry to hear about your trauma though!
  9. leigh

    I'm no Ryebread but...

    here's some tank pics anyhow (one of these days i'm gonna spring for a macro lens :rolleyes: ) :D
  10. leigh

    Purple tang and lateral line disease

    Thanks, it's all due to the good advice from this board! The sad part is going to be coming to terms with the fact that once he's better I should really find a bigger home for him :(
  11. leigh

    Purple tang and lateral line disease

    other side:
  12. leigh

    Purple tang and lateral line disease

    Finally some photos: sorry about the dirtiness of the glass and my lack of a macro lens--the big white dot on his mouth isn't really there--it's algae on the glass! But here're some progress photos--sorry I don't have a 'before' shot--but trust me, when I got him the HLLE extended back nearly...
  13. leigh


    Thanks OA--yeah that's what I figured. I've never seen mine actually clean--though I have seen them do that swaying 'i'm ready to clean' motion. -leigh
  14. leigh

    Reef Tank Temps

    80. my air conditioning comes on at 76 so no problems with going over that yet--in our last power outage tank got up to 81-2--so i guess my house is fairly temp efficient...the perks to having a really *small* house :)
  15. leigh

    Just saw this on Yahoo(nemo thing)

    Originally posted by Sinner's Girl You know, I didn't think of that when i was watching the movie...Nemo's dad shouldn't have stayed a male without the female around... That would've made for such a nice twist to the plot line! But then of course once Nemo is rescued he would have to turn...
  16. leigh


    Sadly my cleaner shrimp moved on to shrimp heaven this morning. (Not quite sure why, he looked fine and all water params are dandy--I think it's just one of those things--he's been kinda spazy the last couple days so I think perhaps he had a parasite of some sort). Anyhow, while my fish load...
  17. leigh

    55 owners with DSBs

    Just another vote that the DSB looks fine. In my reef I only have ~3 inches but in my invert tank I put 5 inches (wish I'd done the 5 in both)...they're both 50 gal tanks which is the same footprint as a 55 only one inch shorter--and it looks fine in there--so you'll have one inch more height...
  18. leigh

    Pics of my 20L

    Nice, I like the front and center feather dusters--very nice touch.
  19. leigh

    DSB went from white to brown!!!

    maybe 5-10 more trochus snails and around 10 turbo snails for starters? I also like sand sifting snails--maybe 5 of them. It all really depends on the type of algae problems you have and it's kinda early to gauge that. Are you using RO water? What are your phosphates like? It really takes...
  20. leigh

    DSB went from white to brown!!!

    Sounds like diatoms--and they will pass with time if you're using RO water. Beefing up your clean up crew will likely be a necessity--I think you just don't have enough to put a dent in the algae! (I've got probably 1-2 dozen different types of snails in my 50 gal reef)...