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  1. leftyblite

    White spot help

    Sorry these are pure white :happyfish
  2. leftyblite

    White spot help

    I Thought I found something on one of the threads saying it is possible a flatworm. Is this true and are they harmful? :notsure:
  3. leftyblite

    White spot help

    I woke up this morning and noticed about 10-15 little white spots on the galss near my heater. They appear to be moving. They are about the size of a pencil tip and are pure white. What are they, and are they harmful to my tank and its occupants? :notsure:
  4. leftyblite

    Feeding a foxface

    Thanks for the help, I'm going to start leaving seaweed in there for him to graze on during the day. :thinking:
  5. leftyblite


    I've had my porc puffer for a few months now and have not, so far, had any problems with ich. :thinking:
  6. leftyblite

    Beginner needs help!!!

    Welcome to the boards!! This is a great place to start for help. Check out 'The Conscientious Marine Aquarist' book by Robert Fenner. It is a great help and almost everyone here would recommend it. Live rock and live sand are a good start. I would recommend a wet/dry filter for your tank. Also a...
  7. leftyblite

    A few Queations about a Porcupine Puffer...

    I've had my porc puffer for about 5 months now and he doing good. I'm not sure about de worming. I haven't had to do it. He hasn't gotten Ich and I check almost daily. I keep snails in my tank(he like to hunt them), adn I also feed him clams in the shell. Biting inot these help to keep the beak...
  8. leftyblite

    Feeding a foxface

    I purchased a foxface about 1.5 months ago. He is doing great, but I'm just curious about how much to feed him and how often. I'm currently feeding twice a day(as per LFS). I mix it up between clams, flake, and seaweed. His favorites so far are the clams and the flake. He constantly acts like he...
  9. leftyblite

    List of fish/inverts that hobbiests should avoid

    Sorry forgot to add that when I first started setting up my 150G I really wanted a small shark, but thanks to this site and other research I did, I finally realized what a bad idea this was.
  10. leftyblite

    List of fish/inverts that hobbiests should avoid

    This maybe not totally accurate Lion, but from what I've read on this site and in books that I've researched, sharks are deifinitely not for beginners. For one thing I know of LFS that will tell you a shark can live happily in a 55G which is totally inaccurate. Alot of beginners get sharks...
  11. leftyblite

    Puffer is Dying

    Could he have been stung by the anemone? :notsure:
  12. leftyblite

    LFSs in Orange County?

    OK sorry, I know of a great place in Whittier that I go to when I'm near there.
  13. leftyblite

    List of fish/inverts that hobbiests should avoid

    Thank you Lioncrazz. I'm getting ready to set up another 150G tank and my wife really wants a dwarf lion for the tank. I showed her this post and now she isn't so sure about getting one. This thread is a really valuable tool for the newcomers to saltwater fish. :thinking:
  14. leftyblite

    LFSs in Orange County?

    How far are you away from the city of Whittier?
  15. leftyblite

    Puffer Diet

    I feed mine Brine shrimp, silversides, and clams. He is so-so about the clams and shrimp but goes crazy when he sees the silversides. :thinking:
  16. leftyblite

    Will a Puffer and Niger Trigger get along?

    I think it depends on the personality of the fish. I have a neighbor who has a puffer and a niger and they are best friends. I put a small niger in with my puffer and the niger would not leave the puffer alone. He was constantly ramming into him and nipping at him. I finally had to remove the...
  17. leftyblite

    Puffer is Dying

    What other fish are in the tank? I have a porc puffer that was stung by my foxface a few weeks ago. He laid around the bottom and refused to eat for a few days but is OK now
  18. leftyblite

    Puffer is Dying

    Cgrant, what is zoe for the extra vitamins? :notsure:
  19. leftyblite

    Porc puffer stung by Foxface. Please help

    Its a porc puffer in the tank along with the foxface and a clown. They all get along great. :thinking:
  20. leftyblite

    Porc puffer stung by Foxface. Please help

    Thanks Dustbunny. Today the puffer was acting more like himself. He was swimming and begging for food. I fed him and he ate like crazy. He was also staying way away from the foxface. :thinking: :happyfish