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  1. leftyblite

    puffer and hermits

    I have hermits and snails in with my porcg puffer. He loves to stalk them. I've had to replace some every few months as he likes his live snacks. Plus they are good for his beak.
  2. leftyblite

    Puffer Question!

    My porc puffer stalks the snails and the crabs and then takes small nips at them until he get some of the shell off and then its goodbye to the crab or snail who was in the shell. :happyfish :happyfish
  3. leftyblite

    New fish for a 150G

    Thanks everyone for the help. I bought a bi color angel last week and it is currently in my QT tank. It strted eating the day after I bought it and seem OK for now. It seems to have a lot of personality and is allready coming to the front of the tank when I come near. :happyfish :happyfish
  4. leftyblite


    Welcome to the boards. The worm is probably a brsitle worm, it is beneficial to your tank. I noticed mine a couple of months ago when I moved some rock. It was about a foot long(this is small compared to some of the others I've heard about on this and other websites). Mine helps keep my sand...
  5. leftyblite

    new to forum and saltwater

    Welcome to the boards. Sounds like you've got some experience with freshwater and are off to a good start with saltwater. I agree with the above posts. A good book that has really helped me and a lot of other people on this site is The Consscientious Marine Aquarist by Robert M. Fenner. Don't...
  6. leftyblite

    New Setup

    Welcome to the boards. This is a great place to learn and to balance what your LFS tells you. Some are great and some would sell you a relative for a $$. Please don't hesitate to ask any question. I heard this on this website when I first started and it was "The dumbest question is the question...
  7. leftyblite

    Puffer help, please!!!

    He is doing much better He ate some squid and clams tonight and was begging for attention from my daughter. She's 5 and puts her hand on the tank and he follows it all over the place even if he's just eaten. He wont do it for anyone else but her. She's even taught him to nod up and down...
  8. leftyblite

    Cycling help!

    Mine didn't do anything for about a week after I put the shrimp in then all of a sudden it went WAY up. Don't get discouraged. :thinking:
  9. leftyblite

    Puffer help, please!!!

    I fed him silversides and clams yesterday. The foxface was the last added to the tank and I have thought that maybe he was stung by the foxface even though they are buddies. Right now all three fish are resting in the same cave. He seems a little better this morning, he is stil alittle pale but...
  10. leftyblite

    Puffer help, please!!!

    The foxface and the clownfish are acting normal as usual
  11. leftyblite

    Puffer help, please!!!

    I fed my porc puffer earlier today and everything seemed normal. About an hour ago I noticed he was sittting on the bottom and gasping. He has also gone vey pale, extremely white in areas of his body. I've never seen this before!!! He is currently in a 150g tank with a foxface and a clownfish. I...
  12. leftyblite

    New fish for a 150G

    I'm possibly thinking about another yellow tang. The Lfs near me has one that has been there for 3 weeks now. It seems to be feeding well and looks healthy(Thanks V-lioness, I knew to check the eyes). :happyfish
  13. leftyblite

    New fish for a 150G

    I did have a yellow tang soon after getting this tank up and running, unfortunately I didn't realize that my tank needed to be really established for several months before it could support a tang. I should have done more research before I did this(OOPS). My tank has been up for almost a year...
  14. leftyblite

    Urchin with a puffer

    I had a friend who really wanted an urchin for his tank. After careful acclimation, he put it in the tank and within minutes the porc puffer he also had in the tank was thanking him for the tasty snack and wanting more. I would suggest that this is not a good idea. :happyfish
  15. leftyblite

    New fish for a 150G

    If a tang what would be a good one to go with what I already have? :notsure:
  16. leftyblite

    New fish for a 150G

    So would a dwarf angel work or maybe a tang? :notsure: Any help would be appreciated.
  17. leftyblite

    The new kid on the block

    Only one credit card to use on this hobby, OH my so much to learn. LOL
  18. leftyblite


    Just watch your temps. I live in So Cal and have probably simalar temps, maybe colder. I haven't yet had to use a chiller, but My AC works pretty well here.
  19. leftyblite

    New fish for a 150G

    No clown as in Nemo, even my LFS warned me off of the lion and puffer together as to many possibilities of future problems.
  20. leftyblite

    Newbee with questions

    $199, WOW now I'm jealous