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  1. leftyblite

    New fish for a 150G

    I was thinking of possibly a coral beauty angel or a flame angel(wife and daughters favorites). Any suggestions??? :notsure:
  2. leftyblite

    Newbee with questions

    It wasn't a custom built stand, I bought everything as a package(tank, stand, canopy). I priced tanks at several stores and noticed that for a finshed package the price was always alot morethan an unfisnished package. I spent about $800 on my unfinshed package for a 150G compared to approx...
  3. leftyblite

    Newbee with questions

    Weeclome to the boards!!! As far as the canopy and stand goes, if your like me and don't know much about wood work, try and find an unfinished stand and canopy. I saved a couple of hundred $$$ by doing this, plus my wife was happy because I able to stain and seal it in a color close to the...
  4. leftyblite

    i want "porky"

  5. leftyblite

    The new kid on the block

    An expensive, addicting, fun and rewarding hobby. Just remember another thing I've learnded about this hobby, especially when starting....Patience!!! :thinking:
  6. leftyblite

    New fish for a 150G

    I would love to have an eel, but unfortunately, my canopy is not the best and it would only be a matter of time before it escaped. :thinking:
  7. leftyblite

    New fish for a 150G

    Ive heard a puffer would nip the lions fins. :notsure:
  8. leftyblite

    New fish for a 150G

    I currently have a 150G with a 5 inch porc puffer, a 4 inch foxface and a 2 in clown. I would like to put another fish in the tank. Is there anything that would be compatable with these? I know the clown may have to be removed soon. I'm currently setting up another 150G tank that will house...
  9. leftyblite

    The new kid on the block

    Welcome to the boards. This is a great place to learn about a very addictvie hobby. I was told this when I started and it is something I still remember about asking questions on this forum. "The dumbest question is the question that is never asked". All of us have been newbies at some time and...
  10. leftyblite

    i want "porky"

    I have my porc puffer in with a foxface and a clown and they are all buddies. The porc puffer is about 5 inches and the foxface is about 4 inches. I'll keep an eye on the clown when the puffer gets bigger.
  11. leftyblite

    Little White Creatures

    This is good to know because in the last few weeks I've also had an explosion and couldn't figure out what was wrong if anything. An my tank is almost a year old now
  12. leftyblite

    Unexpected guest

    7 Feet!!! And here I thought the 12 inch worm in my tank was big.
  13. leftyblite

    flounder question

    OK Thanks, it was just a thought. :thinking:
  14. leftyblite

    flounder question

    Too big for the 150? I'm not too worried about the other fish as they will be big soon enough :happyfish
  15. leftyblite

    flounder question

    I curently have a 150g with a 5inch porc puffer and a 3inch foxface in it. I was at the LFS today and saw a 3 inch flounder. I haven't been able to find much on them, but would it be OK in my tank? Any help would be appreciated.
  16. leftyblite

    Feeding a foxface

    I noticed yesterday that when I fed my puffer silversides the foxface would attack the leftovers. I fed the puffer today and then put a small piece of silverside in the tank in front of the foxface and he just devoured it and then came looking for more. Are these OK for a foxface? :notsure:
  17. leftyblite

    Another fish for my tank?

    I'm just curious if I could add another fish to my tank? It si a 150G with current residents being 5in porc puffer, an OC clown and a 3in foxface. My wife and daughter both saw an angel fish they want to add if possible. My wife wants a flame angel and my daughter wants a coral beauty angel. The...
  18. leftyblite

    White spot help

    Cool!!! That's good to know. :thinking:
  19. leftyblite

    White spot help

    Today I noticed that there are more on the glass and they appear to be moving. Should I start getting concerned? :help:
  20. leftyblite

    Panther grouper?

    My wife wanted a panther grouper for our 150G tank after she saw several at the local LFS. I kept trying to tell her that they get too big. We went to the Long Beach aquarium yesterday and I pointed out an adult panther grouper which was around 2 feet long. She changed her mind fast.