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  1. sterling

    Honest answers please......

    I've had the reef tank up for going on two years and (knocking on wood), have never had an ICH problem. I had it in my smaller tank I had, but was able to use copper in that tank since it was FO. I have two cleaner shrimps in my tank that are very active with their jobs. I actually saw my tang...
  2. sterling

    shriveled up ricordia, please help!

    I had a similar problem with mushrooms not to long ago and discovered that a high salinity content was the problem. Dropped my salinity and ever since everything has been open beautifully.
  3. sterling

    How much have you spent on a fish?

    $75.00 on my tassled filefish "Dennis" who is a hoot :)
  4. sterling

    Post your Green Monti Cap pics

    last one
  5. sterling

    Post your Green Monti Cap pics

  6. sterling

    Post your Green Monti Cap pics

    here's one, but it looks more brown than green
  7. sterling

    Rudy has to go!

    Thomas, I've tried coming out waaaay after dark, when the lights have been out for some time, and I come out with flashlight and try to blind him and catch him, but he holes up in the rock and I can't get to him. I think tonight I'm going to try with my bare hands to catch him after dark. Do...
  8. sterling

    we need an ID here

    Wish there had been a picture. Although, maybe not, sounds like a giant booger.
  9. sterling

    Rudy has to go!

    My yellow damsel, who has helped cycle 3 tanks, and is an expert at it, has to find a new home. But, as usual, he likes his present home and doesn't want to leave. Unfortunately, he is almost as large as my sailfin tang and flame angel and is trying to push he weight around. HOW THE HECK DO I...
  10. sterling

    Worried about my feather duster

    Wow, and you popped 11 damsels into the tank? Even at 300 gallons, I think 3 maybe 4 would do the trick. You might have even waited another week or more before introducing fish. But, since you did, you should stay away from the inverts like dusters for a while longer. Maybe a few scavengers...
  11. sterling

    Fantailed Filefish ?

    A picture of "Dennis the Menace", only named that because of the "cowlick" on top of his head:
  12. sterling

    Fantailed Filefish ?

    I have a Tassled or Leatherjacket Filefish and i love him. He very shy with people he doesn't recognize, which is one reason why I find him so interesting. He really does know his "mom" :) otherwise, he's right out in front part of tank watching me constantly. He even lets me pet his tassles...
  13. sterling

    Most corals with JBJ's

    I think depending on the dimensions of your tank is how you should look at if that is enough wattage. I had JBJ's on my 125 gallon, it is, I believe, 22" deep.. I had two 36" fixtures, each had a 96w blue actinic and a 96 w 50/50. My softies did great, and i tried some SPS's and put them at...
  14. sterling

    Newb Reef Question

    Well, I think some of that is true. There's a post in the Newbie section regarding bio-balls/bio-material along this same line. If your reef tank has a DSB and lots of LR, according to the people who know (not me exactly), they say you should only need the protein skimmer, powerheads and leave...
  15. sterling

    Bio-Balls Yes or No Please reply

    I have bio balls in my wet/dry/skimmer set up. I've had them from the day I set this tank up (about 2 years now) and my water parameters have always been good. I also have a DSB of about 3 to 3.5 inches and alot of live rock, but "if it's not broken".........
  16. sterling

    Free Package to the 100th post

    first post for me :)
  17. sterling

    Who makes the best pc's?

    I was very pleased with my JBJ PC's.
  18. sterling

    Sterling, I must be an idiot.

    Well, I'm assuming it's still alive. I haven't e-mailed the person in charge of it's exhibit lately. I think i'll do that tonight. It was in a 55 gallon tank in the reef section, it was in with a grouping of tanks that were in the center of the room. They were setting the tank up to be a...
  19. sterling

    I must be an idiot......

    BigRed, let's make a new club......."The Xenia Meltdown Club", I bet we'll get more members.
  20. sterling

    I must be an idiot......

    Ryebread, I do work at keeping the calcium/alk/iodine levels good. Maybe finding "aquacultured" ones is the route I should try. Thanks everyone for responses. Any other ideas are welcome.