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  1. jester

    Free Yellow Tang

    Hey sammy, I like the disclaimer.
  2. jester

    How can I keep the floor dry?

    Maybee try drillind some 1/2" holes in the bottom of the stand. This will at least allow some air in there. Just a thought.
  3. jester

    overflow question

    The only thing I can see as a downfall from using a "T", is that the flow of water will not be smooth. See if you can find a "Y" or 90 degree bend that has an inlet "heel". This way the water will flow together smoothly instead of crashing together at a blunt 90 degree junction. Make sense?
  4. jester

    CPR overflows?

    I'm pretty sure duel 1" overflows will drain about 1400 gph. Of course in-line ball valves are a good idea to control the flow a litte more. Danner MAG pumps are strong and reliable from what I've read. Here is a link with some info on them I'm saying buy from here as you can find them...
  5. jester

    CPR overflows?

    Actually, the size of the bulkhead only depends on how much potential flow you want. Your overflow (in your case drilled overflow)will only drain the amount of water pumped in. If you don't pump water in, it will drain to the lowest point of the bulkhead and then stop. Pour a glass of water in...
  6. jester

    CPR overflows?

    I would start with 1/4 in and go up from there. I'm on my way to HD now to get some PVC and spa tube for my overflows. Do you have an RO/DI?
  7. jester

    CPR overflows?

    Want to do it real nice this time MH lights are really only a must for coral. And they really make the tank look like an ocean. AS far as the quickcreat, I've read that other here use it and have no problems. NO, PC sockets I really can't help you with sorry. I spent $400 on 3 175w 10k...
  8. jester

    CPR overflows?

    Uhmmm, how are you converting to saltwater? You did drain the tank and clean it out right?
  9. jester

    cutting acrylic question

    DO NOT run the blade backwards, and do wear long sleeves. Just use some common sense with how lose they are. If you don't, you will have hot melted plastic all over them which is a MUCH bigger safty hazzard than a long sleve shirt. IT BURNS. I know. I have been cutting acrylic (more...
  10. jester

    CPR overflows?

    Actually, agronite sand is ideal. Do a search on southdown. This is what most of the big dogs play with. It's really hard to get a hold of though. There's a member here who shipped it to me because I couldn't find it. His name is Chris L. I'll see if I can find a few pics for what you...
  11. jester

    CPR overflows?

    better to pull it out all together there is nothing under it but a nitrate factory. Nitrates bad. Well, in high levels anyway and you are sure to have REALLY high levels if you keep it. Just keep the power heads for circulation. Some people keep thier CC, and are very happy with it...
  12. jester

    CPR overflows?

    Hey Larry, welcome to the gang. Well first, you really should ditch the undergravel and CC. Do a search here on DSB. If you still have some questions about converting and the benifits, just ask. You shoud consider it now before your tank is stocked. Technology and methods have changed...
  13. jester

    cutting acrylic question

    Make sure you wear eye protection and long sleeves. The "dust" is very hot and is unplesent to the arms. A router is actually the best way to cut it unless it's thick (like over 1/4")
  14. jester

    Cleaning acrylic....

    Cleaning acrylic.... the tank is dry and has hardwater deposits from freshwater. what is the best way to clean it?
  15. jester

    want to buy 125+ gal reef tank near Chicago

    Hey sterling, think he might want to sell any of it? I could use few things
  16. jester

    Need HELP!

    Is the level, level? Could it be warped or bent a little?
  17. jester

    Cracked glass tank - HELP FIX!!

    Get a new one for $5 at petsmart. Maybee $10
  18. jester

    Does anyone know how to figure displacement ?

    Frehs water is 8 lbs per gallon. Saltwater at a .023 saline level is just a hair ove 9 lbs depending on tempature.
  19. jester

    just seeing if you all will want this when it is time

    LR is alwas a good comodity here. I'll take some.
  20. jester

    SoCal live rock sale
