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  1. jester

    Green algee in sand, good or just ugly

    I've got 80 lbs of southdown in my tank. I've had it in there about 3 months now. My problem is green algee is all over and in it. what can I do to get rid of it? It looks realy ugly. Do star's take care of it? My hermits do do a thing with it.
  2. jester

    Acclimating Blood Shrimp

    Check your ph. They are REAL sensitive to it. Read the acclimation proceedure from here and you will not have a problem. Also, keep the salt level at .025 for it. anything below .023 and it will die. I learned the hard way.
  3. jester

    Conditions for sharks

    sorry to say it, but 75 is nowhere near the size you need for a shark. I believe 250ga is about the min. :(
  4. jester

    Live Rock For Sale - Calgary, AB, Canada

    50 lbs. zip code 60044.
  5. jester

    emperor 400

    Sounds like your intake tube has a crack in it. Take it out, fill the tube with water and dry the outside off with a paper tower. hold a dry paper towel around it and wait.
  6. jester

    Anyone in Need of Southdown??

    Hey dude. I sent money for 1 bag late last week. you should get it either today or tommarow. Tim
  7. jester

    Metal Halide/Flourescent Combo

    do u still have this?
  8. jester

    Why doesn't my skimmer skim anything??

    What kind of bio load do you have
  9. jester

    DIY Lights and DIY auto water leveler.

    funny, I just started thinking about the same thing this morning. I'm going to plan one up tonight. I'll keep you posted.
  10. jester

    Anenome-Please Help!

    The best way to remove it (if is is dead), is to suck it out with a gravel cleaner syphon tube. Get the syphon going, then suck it up. Be carefull to get all the slime with it (it's poisonous). It will smell real bad. It will look like it's melting when it's dead. My clarkii loce it. It...
  11. jester

    Do cleaner shrimps shed their shells??

    Mine molts about every 5 weeks. It is scary the first time you see an empty shell. LOL
  12. jester

    skimmer advice

    I hear the berlin turbo's are good. I don't have one, but I've read here that it is a good skimmer.
  13. jester

    Terry or Beth....

    Looks kind of like a turmor. It's under the skin. I did a 35% water change on the 15th of this month. I put the angel in on thr 16th.
  14. jester

    best all in one filtraction system?

    DSB and LR are for sure the best ways to go. But in a 29 ga tank, by the time you figgure out the displacement of water with all the sand and rock, he'll have no room and only about 10-15 gallons of water left. Not to mention no money to buy a few fish. Just my opinion though.
  15. jester

    best all in one filtraction system?

    What are you looking to do? I'd dsay an Emporer 400. 6 way filtration. Really stable, quiet and efficient.
  16. jester

    All glass pre-drilled overflows

    I was refering to the plumbing kit. the all glass kit for the predrilled.
  17. jester

    Bio Wheel filter

    a few hours dry wont hurt anything too bad. now if it's days that's another thing.
  18. jester

    Terry or Beth....

    which brand of antibiotic do you recommend? I'm not sure what's going on in my tank, but it's not good. My clown is swimming sideways at the top of my tank. My korean angel is getting a growth between his left gill and mouth. My lion is fine. My shrimp is fine. I'm going to treat with...
  19. jester

    lion in serious distress!

    anthem, I tried everything I could think of, and also tried everything that was suggested here. I did give up after 2 months.
  20. jester

    lion in serious distress!

    Don't sweat it. HAs he been eating live for all his life? If he has he may just not eat dead. My lion will not eat dead for anything and he's only a few months old. I've tried everything. I even starved him for 34 day's, before I plopped a live fish in. I tried fish on a stick, the power...