Search results

  1. jester

    Why Isn't My Protein Skimmer Working?

    I've got some fish and inverts. It's never been a problem. I feed krill and some flake, but I also have good circulation in the tank which keeps everthing moving. If someting gets sucked up, it gets skimmed.
  2. jester

    Why Isn't My Protein Skimmer Working?

    I took the sponge off. I run mine wide open. Works great. It's been running great since January of this year.
  3. jester

    external mag pump install

    I think if you take them out, the life of the pumps will dramatically decrease. I know they say internal/external, but they use the water to cool them. Cooling motors and pumps is a good idea. 84 is a little warm, what is the tank temp?
  4. jester

    I think my hood is too big...

    Actually, it's the third floor. But, that never stopped a plane before.
  5. jester

    265 gallon tank

    If room temp is at 60, then I might get 1 or maybbe 2. But the more heaters you have, the more chanc yo have of a faliure. (electrical shoch and more common, failing on and having a fish boil)
  6. jester

    I think my hood is too big...

    Funny huh? Stand and canopy are great. This will be the last weekend for construction. I have 2 more coats of polyurathayne to apply then it's done. I've got 2 on it now, but it's been so humid here it takes forever to dry. I'm shooting for 9-1 to move into my apt. (jee, I hope the floor can...
  7. jester

    So Many Skimmers .... Which One?

    I'd say a berlin turbo. About $200
  8. jester

    I think my hood is too big...

    Maybee I should have measured it first...... lol,
  9. jester

    Vion Z6 175 watt Metal Halides for sale

    Just curious, how is the color on those? I'm upgrading to 250's, iI'm looking into those vion's.
  10. jester

    265 gallon tank

    well it all depends what you want to keep. If your looking at a reef, the best lights are metal halides. These lights will eliminate the need for the heaters.
  11. jester

    WANTED: 2-175w MH system

    Still looking? I might have something in a day or too. I'm upgrading to 2-250 watt, and 1 400 watt. I have 3 175 watt 10 k MH system now. I have the bulbs (10k 6 months oldand 1 is about 18 months old) and the ballast parts. I say parts because it's the coil and cap only. I'm going to keep...
  12. jester Live Rock

    Does anybody have pictures of this in thier tank?
  13. jester

    Red Sea Wavemaster Pro

    What's your zip?
  14. jester

    Lenght of VHO bulbs

    I can tell you that a 48' VHO is 47 1/8" without the prong contacts. With them it is 48". Hope this helps.
  15. jester

    WOW, 24" False Pecular (at least)

    WOW. Impressive. I've heard some wild fish stories about the one that got away, or the one they let go, but this guy keeps em.
  16. jester

    MH bulbs for sale

  17. jester

    MH bulbs for sale

    35 plus shipping. im not sure howold they are. I got them in a full hood. I think about a year or so.
  18. jester

    help from people in wisconsin

    I got 150 for $75
  19. jester

    help from people in wisconsin

    I had Chris L send me 3 bags from Pa. Cost was about 20 per bag due to shipping, but he is real good about getting to you. I guess he can get plenty. This is his email. Hope it helps.
  20. jester

    A DIY Tank Stand

    Because I know if it's waterproofed; water, moisture, or humidity can't rot the wood. I have built hundreds of sub boxs for cars. Most have gotten wet. Plywood literley falls apart between layers (even the blue line treated "outdoor"wood). Particle board disininagrates because of it...