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  1. reefer44

    Caulerpa + Chaetomorpha Question

    my chaeto grows faster then my caulerpa and doesn't have the negetives effects of caulerpa....I keep everything on a 13 hour lighting which seems to be the best(compared to 12 and 14 which i have had before) I like to leave the caulerpa in the fuge though because it exports more nutrients than...
  2. reefer44

    cleaner shrimp babies

    yea i just read that too...if your not going to be heplful just annoying please refrain from posting
  3. reefer44

    pics of just fish tanks not reef

    dude grindzgreg your not a moderator nor the kids mom so stop being anoying and doing the stay cute thing is stupid
  4. reefer44

    MH Lighting??

    hey...well i have 2 175w pendants on my tank and it is doing great..that is the lighting i suggest specially sence you want soft corals and lps... you can check out my reef pics in this forum and seee if you like the lighting..(it is a 55 gallon too) Brad
  5. reefer44

    55 gal lighting...this good?

    sounds good...but you can get a reefstar that is 2 250 MH and is a pendant which has better cooling for $500
  6. reefer44

    Bro`s 18 reef..

    well that is not proven yet....they say that............also the light output on the 150 is less focused as it is with most of 175 mogul instead of getting a "beem" of light it spreads out a little more..(that is if your using the reefstar compared to the 175w pendant)
  7. reefer44

    A little help balancing levels please...

    yea its your magnesium probaly.....had the same levels were at 1270 instead of 1350......i would get a sailifert test for magnesium there the most accurate
  8. reefer44

    do ya wanna...

    magic carp was right on....the reason i have it in my sort of dsb (3 inches) is cause it does clean it very well.....but as mc said it does eat the micro fuana which is bad....but i have my dsb in my fuge that doesn't get it works in this case
  9. reefer44

    My 55 gallon Reef Tank

    lol....same age but i don't go around flaming ppl and acting imature...also i may be 15 but i graduate in a year......magic carp let our reef's reflect our knowledge....i think I have a right to talk cause i have a harder to keep nicer reef than you dening it..ego set aside..... i put...
  10. reefer44

    Bro`s 18 reef..

    i wouldn't go with 175w to much.....I would go with the HQI 150w double ended
  11. reefer44

    First hard coral

    yea i can almost see my digitata's grow before my eyes lol nice specimen and would love to see the rest of the tank Brad
  12. reefer44

    My Ziena

    wow thats a nice looking xenia if i have every seen one...amkes me sad mine spread to fast and went to war with some of my corals so they had to go keep up the work and your tank is nice Brad also check out my reef in the reef forum :D ......
  13. reefer44

    My 55 gallon Reef Tank

    man i just read this whole thread...if i was a moderator i would deffinitely close it down..doesn't represent saltwater fish with these kids that are in highschool acting like there seems like every teenager thinks he is right and knows this hobby better than anyone else (even me...
  14. reefer44

    do ya wanna...

    way to hijack a thread............... here is a pic i took with all the power heads and water moving equip off. i don't know the camera type because my mom has it in NYC on vacation..all i know is it is a bad camera.....I used auto format with my paint/photo shop and it didn't seem to really do...
  15. reefer44

    My 55g Tank (with pictures)

    and here is my crappy protien skimmer :D
  16. reefer44

    My 55g Tank (with pictures)

    heres another pic i forgot to post
  17. reefer44

    Bro`s 18 reef..

    not enough for the anenome...get the MH
  18. reefer44

    Help with my monti?

    yea that lighting is not strong enough......inless you add alot(i mean like 200 more watts) more pc bulbs over it, it won't be healthy......i would add a VHO bulb or too, or get rid of the coral
  19. reefer44

    MH Lighting??

    hey if the tank is 18 inches or less go with the reefstar 150w cause that will not be to strong for the softies and lps but is easily enough for the sps..............if it is taller than 18 inch (which its probaly not cause its 30g) get the 250w model.................and for kelvin i would go...
  20. reefer44

    Good Deal??? Waht do you all think??

    oh and my oldest sps (a blue tipped stag) has grown four 1 1/2 inch branches and the other braches have grown about an inch...and thats in 6 1/2 months........this growth i condsider fairly good and can compare to the growth others have achieved under 250w