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  1. srfisher17

    Favorite Comedians

    Originally Posted by browniebuck Does anyone have any favorite comedians (stand-up or otherwise)? I REALLY enjoy listening to/watching the following.. 1. Mitch Hedberg (God rest his soul) 2. Gabrielle Iglesias 3. Jeff Dunham 4. Daniel Tosh 5. Jay Mohr (his stand-up...not so much his...
  2. srfisher17

    No more obamacare

    Originally Posted by reefraff But you voted for Obama with crazy Joe Biden as a running mate And making Nancy Pelosi 3rd in line for the Presidency! (The Mods may delete this as being too scary for children.)
  3. srfisher17

    No more obamacare

    Originally Posted by Fishtaco Whatever, as an Independent I am extremely unhappy with both parties and my core belief is that both parties are corrupt. If the impossible ever happens and either parties starts doing instead of talking about term limits, real accountability and getting rid of...
  4. srfisher17

    No more obamacare

    Its really hard to grasp what may have happened last night. I'm listening to Rush (like me, an eternal optimist) and this guy is in the middle of a 3 hour political orgasm...great stuff.
  5. srfisher17

    No more obamacare

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 I don't know if success has gone to his head as much as he's just not a great conservative mind. . We're spoiled when it comes to that. And when we see someone who deals on a more emotional level less intellectual level, it just doesn't work. Both comments about...
  6. srfisher17

    No more obamacare

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 Most "Independents" are liberals anyway, this is his evil plan to create a super majority... Not in last nights Mass election. To me; an independent is someone who bases his vote on the superficial (Which explains Obama's brief encounter with popularity) or wait...
  7. srfisher17

    No more obamacare

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 The reason you don't like him is because he argues like a democrat. It is salacious, very emotional, designed to illicit a knee jerk reaction. Thats true, but a small part of it. I just don't think Hannity shows a very deep understanding of conservative...
  8. srfisher17

    No more obamacare

    Originally Posted by SCSInet It's a sad state of affairs that in this country, the average voter seems to only be able to understand "republican or democrat." They are unwilling to research candidates, so instead it has to be reduced down to democrat or republican. I agree on term limits...
  9. srfisher17

    "False Percs"

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy I first heard the term "False Percula" in the early 80's. My memory isn't as good, but I do remember a lfs with the 1st homegrown clowns I had seen in the flesh, called 'false percs"; this would have been about 1983.
  10. srfisher17

    opinions on my stock for 250 gallon fowlr

    Originally Posted by deejeff442 i love my purple tang i have had him for 8 or 9 yrs now.hes been through alot ich 3 or 4 times ,fin rot ,bacteria infection but still keeps recovering. yea i dont know alot about the clown trigger.i could scrap the lion the ones i want the most is the...
  11. srfisher17

    "False Percs"

    Originally Posted by BTLDreef You're not alone! I have actually yelled at LFSs for this. Now when I see them labeled incorrectly I either scratch the marker off the tank or peel off the label. My favorite is one store around here sells them as "True ORA False Percula Clownfish" and calls...
  12. srfisher17

    to get a bigger tank or not get a bigger tank...tis the question

    Moving healthy fish, carefully, is no big deal. Bigger is always better; a 20 gal has very little room for error. Check Craigs List.
  13. srfisher17

    High Nitrates

    Originally Posted by erifish3 My nitrates in my 100g were at over 120ppm and I brought it down to about 60-80 by doing (2) 50% water changes in 2 weeks, then 20% weekly changes for 4-6 weeks. I've added cheato to my sump and I'm back to doing 25% water changes every two weeks. This has always...
  14. srfisher17

    opinions on my stock for 250 gallon fowlr

    Purple Tangs are beautiful fish, I have 3 and love them. A clown trigger is the worst possible tankmate for any lion; they will end up chewing their fins and literally stressing them to death. ( There are short term exceptions, but long term, the lion will be a goner.) Many puffers are deadly...
  15. srfisher17

    NFL Divisional Playoffs...Who you like?

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 I'm not the greatest at recognizing voices, but I was pretty sure it was Joe Buck Joe (his Dad was the best) usually calls the play and then Aikman yaks until the next play starts. He probably talks right commercial breaks without realizing it too.
  16. srfisher17

    "False Percs"

    Originally Posted by ali19 Thank god someone said this! I wanted to but I have only been a member for a few months and I didn't want to look like a jerk! I do often correct people when i see they have called them False Percs. Also I would like to add that a guy in a LFS near me said they were...
  17. srfisher17

    NFL Divisional Playoffs...Who you like?

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 Hey at least he didn't go on and on about the vikings declining a running into the kicker penalty. Then even after the break half way into the Viking drive still refer to the Vikings declining a penalty. That was Aikman, wasn't it? I was grabbing the computer to...
  18. srfisher17

    "False Percs"

    I just spent a few minutes on the forum and saw the term "false percs' at least three times. THEY ARE OCELLARIS CLOWNS!! Every time I see this, its the visual equivalent of a fingernail on a blackboard. (Am I the only one?) Can't we, starting with our host- SWF. com, start calling this little...
  19. srfisher17

    Valentini puffed up

    Originally Posted by raf I actually started hypo a few days ago. I also lost my yellow tang, blue spotted puffer and yellowtail damsel. Are you doing hypo in your DT with LR & inverts?
  20. srfisher17

    Just for grins.....

    Originally Posted by shwstpr88 Are there saltwater turtles you can get? just curious. I think they are all federally protected now. Too bad, green turtle steak is delicious!