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  1. saltn00b

    question during hypo

    oh jeez this is bad. because you are doing hypo in your Display and not a QT tank - you are basically killing all of your LS and LR! watch out for a massive ammo spike!
  2. saltn00b

    What to look for in the QT tank

    hypo treats ick. lympho will clear up on its own once the fish is in a quality environment and not stressed. its is almost never fatal.
  3. saltn00b

    My (un-original) 55 Reef Diary!

    some thoughts: if you are doing a sump you dont need a wet/dry, lose that part altogether. having a single baffle overflowing ontop of your return pump is bound to get you flooded with microbubbles in your DT. that needs to be rethought. most people try to put their skimmer closest to the...
  4. saltn00b

    Tube Worm detached head?

    i have only seen the same color crowns grow back IME
  5. saltn00b

    Xenias at a VERY good price!! Indy

    just an fyi , for the ones on a glass, you can easily scrape them off with a credit card.
  6. saltn00b

    Purple firefish sick??

    i would compare the bump to some of the bacterial infection pictures in the FAQs for diseased fish. see if it bears any resemblance. pay attention to the way he is acting, if habits change at all. if you are thinking it is an infection then you will likely want to QT the fish and dose it with...
  7. saltn00b

    Tube Worm detached head?

    the crown can easily come off of a feather duster. the worm is fine and within a few days you will see a new crown growing out of the tube. sometimes they do it for no reason, and sometimes they do it when stressed.
  8. saltn00b

    Strawberry hermit crab

    yes he can come back, but this is a sign that something in your tank has ripped those legs off. he will likely be eaten the next time you look in the tank.
  9. saltn00b

    What to look for in the QT tank

    properly performed hypo is not drastic in any way. it even reportedly has a calming effect on them because it is less stressful. if you think the fish may have ick, or came from a LFS that has a single source of water with other ick-laden fish in the system, it is a safe thing to do to make...
  10. saltn00b

    Purple firefish sick??

    possibly just a bruise from darting into the rocks too fast. continue watching it closely. a picture is worth 1000 words...
  11. saltn00b

    Please dont flame me

    something you may be missing is Phosphate testing. PO4 builds up in older systems as the calcerous materials absorb as their maximum potential and it starts to enter the water column with no where to get locked up. this causes algae blooms and inhibits / kills corals. being that you dont have...
  12. saltn00b

    Need ID - Very concerned

    looks like nassarius snail eggs / babies
  13. saltn00b

    why you should always have drip loops and powerstrips protected from splashes

    +1 on the GFCIs. this is a freaky thing, i am glad you were there to get it under control reef. just last week i walked in the house, started walking towards the tank and here two faint clicks and two flashes of light come from behind the doors of my stand. this was followed by the acrid...
  14. saltn00b

    CHAETO + $15 shipped

  15. saltn00b

    Where does ich come from?

    part of the life cycle of ich burrows in a calcerous substance, so while it is very unlikely, it is not unheard of to introduce ick into a tank from LR, LS and even coral skeletons.
  16. saltn00b

    Name that fish

    4 wheel drives are small guys, i dont think they munch on the sand. be careful with the ones you mentioned. i think 55g should be ok to keep them alive, as they also eat prepared foods as well as the fauna in the sand. especially if you dont have something else competing with it, like a star...
  17. saltn00b

    How to stop aggressive shrooms

    mushrooms dont really sting, although they may emit toxins i believe. have you experienced any other corals dieing from there growth? i would just frag and trade / sell when they are getting out of hand.
  18. saltn00b

    Chocolate Chip Star vs. LTA (LET'S GET IT ON)

    hmm when i had my BTA it totally decimated my swaying xenia stalks....
  19. saltn00b

    One of my horses just had babies!

    awesome! more pics please!!!
  20. saltn00b

    quick leak/silicon question!

    BTW welcome back bang guy :)