are you sure it was not a goby? there are many types that do this:
diamond goby - white with yellow diamonds
bullet goby (Sleeper Banded Bullet ) - long and grayish with colors resembling a LMB
golden sleeper goby - like the diamond but with blue and yellow on the face.
engineer goby - almost...
in most cases, no, i dont think so. mandarins are very happy spending their days roaming the rocks to pick live prey off with their specialized eyes/ mouth. so i think unless it is already accepting frozen foods then i would not try it.
i have had mine for a long time now, maybe 2 years +. very peaceful, never harmed anything. i have heard that when they get very large . 5"+ that they can grab small moving fish. but never seen it or heard / seen an actual report of it, just rumors.
ouch, another aggressive purple lobster. mine became a nightmare as well, i couldnt get him until i moved my tank.
i have a blue reef lobster, MUCH COOLER in many ways IMO.
Originally Posted by MikeGray
you are so CALI
but seriously, sounds like you are still cycling or kicking up your sand bed.
what livestock is in this new tank? how close are the MJ's from your sandbed?
ermm i knew exactly which was the before and after. your saying it doesnt look like a bleaching situation that is starting to color back up? IMO they look much healthier in the recent shot. granted, i have never heard of bleaching in zoos....