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  1. saltn00b

    mh vs t5

    as long as it is individually reflected, T-5 will produce more PAR than 150 W MHs. wattage does not heat your tank, what does is light energy and inefficient lightbulbs / technologies. MHs are very inefficient as they give off lots of heat radiation. this, along with strong light energy...
  2. saltn00b

    Saltn00b's Multi-Phase Upgrade Diary!

    sureflow mods have arrived! pics coming soon!
  3. saltn00b

    CHAETO + $15 shipped

    nobody needs cheato?
  4. saltn00b

    new pics of the 150

    bump nobody else likes ? ; ;
  5. saltn00b

    T-5 growth comparison at 6 months

    TeresaQ here is the light set up: Aquactinics Constellation 72" unit (14 x 39W T5) over my 150g from the geek of the reef: 2 x 39W 6500K T5 HO Fluorescent by GE 2 x 39W Actinic Plus T5 HO Fluorescent (104036) by Giesemann 4 x 39W 12000K Aquablue Special T5 HO Fluorescent (104976) by ATI 4 x...
  6. saltn00b

    took the chance

    the only reason i didnt recommend wrasses was because of tank size.
  7. saltn00b

    T-5 growth comparison at 6 months

    hey kevin - orange monti is like the beginners SPS coral, lower light needing than acros for example, they just need adequate flow to blow off detritus that settles on them. in my tank i am still working on my flow so occasionally i blast off detritus with a turkey baster. other than that...
  8. saltn00b

    Kh Carbonate Hardness

    i raise my alkalanity with Kent Supermarine dKH buffer. it works pretty well for now. when i get my auto top off going i will implement a kalkwasser drip which should handle both calcium and alk.
  9. saltn00b

    "EcoMod" Maxijet mod kit is Good

    all the "Anti Reverse-Flow technology" is on the Eco is a plastic stopper
  10. saltn00b

    need sps help. asap!!!!

    How is everything doing now? you said you didnt dose anything but you neglected to mention that you added phyto plan to the tank and for some reason it clouded everything up. that was the catalyst to this little problem as you said it happened before anything bad started to happen. and you...
  11. saltn00b

    GrouperGenius starts the 90 reef

    grouper lookin good! be careful with that socket so close to all the water works down below there. you should switch out that socket for a GFCI socket. oh yea and main return is probably 1200 GPH at 0', you need to calculate it for max head height, and other water friction points, so it is...
  12. saltn00b

    T-5 growth comparison at 6 months

    well the meat coral expand and contracts alot and im still not sure how much actual skeletal growth there has been. it seems to be happy tho. it ate a half a silverside the other day, and im gonna start feeding em once a week.
  13. saltn00b

    Acropora care

    are they analyzing that brand in particular? it has been a widespread alternative kalk alternative.
  14. saltn00b

    Acropora care

    subsribing for the analysis results. i have a few tubs of the lime waiting for me to finish my auto top off system.
  15. saltn00b

    took the chance

    blue assessor basslet blue chromis blue devil damsel yellow tail damsel blue neon goby
  16. saltn00b

    Kh Carbonate Hardness

    alkalinity is usually not measured by ppms so i dont know what is should be at. usually it is measured in meq/l (milli equivalent / liter) or in kH scale. meq/l target range for reefs are 3.5-5.5 and kH is 9-12 i think.
  17. saltn00b

    Black Ich

    i dont think FW dips help this situation. it is easily managed with formalin dips.
  18. saltn00b

    Saltn00b's Multi-Phase Upgrade Diary!

    purple firefish passed through hypo salinity with flying colors and made it into the tank last night.
  19. saltn00b

    feeding coral

    i believe christmas tree is just a dead porites coral with mulitple feather duster / coco worms growing out of the skeleton. they are filter feeders. i guess the occasional zoo plankton works if you have nothing else in the tank