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  1. emm0909

    do i need 100 snails and crabs?

    Your cleanup crew is also algae control. Your skimmer is algae control as well. If you have a really aggressive skimmer you do not need the 1 to 1.5 janitors per gallon. Get a good mixture (40) of Cerith snails, Nerite snails and a couple margarita snails. And get about half as many (20)...
  2. emm0909

    Does Pom Pom Xenia grow fast and do they eventually cause a problem?

    For some people they grow like weeds, for others they don't. They don't really come off the rocks and turn to much when you pull on them so if they attach to something you're going to have to chip the rock to get it off. (Just like anything I guess) But if you leave the slightest bit on the rock...
  3. emm0909

    Blue and Marble mushrooms

    I can't pm you now for some reason and I cannot view the php address on my work computer here. Could I get a picture emailed or PM me? I have some peanut butter cup zoanthids. Maybe we could just trade for a couple shrooms.
  4. emm0909

    Trade or Sell Corals - Rochester,NY

    I've got some kenya tree babies, maybe some cabbage coral I could split off, some nice patches of GSP, zoanthids (Paenut Butter Cups w/ white spots, watermellons - zoaid.)
  5. emm0909


    Yea, Maroons can be a handfull. They are strong ******** decorators and always the king of the tank. (in their minds at least)
  6. emm0909

    Shallow frag tank light

    I honestly think I'm going to focus on zoanthids and LPS for the first tank. If I have room I'll set up a second for SPS. Two different systems. It's for the fun of fraging and for studying really. I'll probably want to keep light a constant between the two so probably a 400 watt on the...
  7. emm0909

    So im setting up a 55 gallon and im wondering what the fastest growing coral is

    Get a huge toadstool or some leather. Not as fast of a grower but twice the shower you could get a real nice hammer, frogspawn or torch.
  8. emm0909

    Shallow frag tank light

    Well if I have a pendant trying to cover the 16 sq. feet then 2 foot above would be needed. I would like to have only one. Would a 250 be enough at 2 feet above the water?
  9. emm0909

    Shallow frag tank light

    I'm planning for the future. What power light would you say to put over a 48" x 48" x 10". What about a 48" x 48" x 8"? I was thinking a 400 watt MH pendant would do the trick fine.
  10. emm0909

    Trading frags to the LFS

    I know it depends on what it is. I talked to him last night and he know's he can sell the GSP. He has a lot of new customers so I'm thinking of taking in both patches of my GSP. I've got some smaller pieces that will eventually grow to the obnoxious size again. I don't have any money to spend...
  11. emm0909

    ***I'm about to kill these snails***

    I wouldn't kill them. Give them away to take them to the LFS. Get a couple bucks off your next purchase if nothing else.
  12. emm0909

    Trading frags to the LFS

    There is a lot of trading that goes on over the internet but what about the LFS? I'm about to start taking items back there. What kind of return should I expect in store credit. Probably more in credit than if I wanted cash I'm sure. I took 120 lbs or rock back and got $3/lb. If I take a piece...
  13. emm0909

    How to get rid of mushrooms???

    Pull a rock out and spend some time with a little chisel. One at a time and then they won't be free floating. They will have a little chunk of rock they are attached to.
  14. emm0909

    i think i'm quitting after this...

    Me telling you a bad story isn't going to help so all I have to say is do a water change asap and get that temp back to normal. you'd be suprised as to what is still alive and will come back. Many things can survive with the smallest spec of flesh still alive and regenerate their whole body again.
  15. emm0909

    Chaeto in the wild

    I thought it was in the sargasm.
  16. emm0909

    WTT Zoas in WPB, FL

    i need to know your poison by tomorrow since liquor stores are closed until noon on sunday. Not in NY! We can now buy beer on our way to the Bills games if we're short. Thank you New York. (But our taxes stink!)
  17. emm0909

    What Is This In My Tank?!!!

  18. emm0909

    60 Gallon Reef For Sale!!!

    Where are you located? You should update your profile with your location.
  19. emm0909

    PAIR B&W Ocellaris Clownfish

    EDIFY PEOPLE! LOL. Ever have babies with them?
  20. emm0909

    Huge frag pack Tyree LE

    Right on man! You're that much closer to getting that skimmer. I hope you got what you were asking for them because it was well worth it! Lets see those PPE's up in a new thread.