Well my tank is not tall at all anyways, its only a 20 long. So its only 12' high. And my lights rest on th top of the tank. SO mines middle-upper places and about 5 inches from lights!!!
Yeah the best way to do it is just with a powerhead. I think you have a 29 bow correct? You could just get a rio and attach one of those spinning rotator heads to it.
As far as LPS go, very easy. I would say its like a 3 out of 5. Need sufficient light and descent flow, but thats about it. I've had two for about a year under PC's
hahaha ^
My electris for my little 20 gallon runs me about 50 bucks a month and i only have 135 w pc's on about 9 hours a day, and a fluval, 75 w heater, thats it. :O
how long is the tank? But you'll have no problem getting some 250 watts to penetrate to the sandbed, 24" isnt that deep. You'll prolly need at least two 250's for the eintire tank...(assuming its around 6 ft)