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  1. zanoshanox

    sea horse in reef tank

    At the pet store I work at we sell the 3" tall black pones for 24 bucks...I'm nto sure what they're called. A steal though if you ask me. i say go out and get him a 10 galon hezagonal tank and throw some sand and some tonga branch in there, and he'll be AY OKAY!
  2. zanoshanox

    VHO lights??????

    I would recomend mateal halide if you can afford them. If not look for a t-5 fixture. If not, look for a PC fixture. (in that order). A 150 w MH fixture would be best.
  3. zanoshanox

    55 gallon filteration?

    Fluval FX5 and a large skimmer.
  4. zanoshanox

    Green Ricordia

    ..Plus they have low ligt needs anyways
  5. zanoshanox

    Green Ricordia

    I put mine middle-up, and they're fine. I think I can pretty much put them anywhere cause of the shape of my tank...its only like 12 in high.
  6. zanoshanox

    Lost my entire tank :(

    I'm so sorry or your loss. I can relate to that a lot because i had a clown in my 20 gl long reef that I had had ever since I started reefing....So by this time I had already had over 30 fish I'm assuming...He was the only one I had elft and he woudl eat out of my hands and even jump into it if...
  7. zanoshanox

    sea horse in reef tank

    And sea horses aren't that hardest thing to catch...
  8. zanoshanox

    Tang in a 70 gallon reef?

    I think you can pull it off in a 90. For the first couple years at least. Blue's get VERY big while yellows not as big. Naso's you could do also in a 90 I think. Most say that 125 g is ideal though.
  9. zanoshanox

    sea horse in reef tank

    He wont last long, and you probably have some fish that will. If I were you I would set up a little 10 gallon hex or something. I have a feeling that CB shrimp will get him eventually.. :(
  10. zanoshanox

    VHO lights??????

    Nope. VHO are just maxed out t12's and they need to be replaced all the time. is the tank a standard 20 or a 20 long. I have 2x65 w PC on my 20 long...
  11. zanoshanox

    My Reef Pics

    VERY NICE, I like your big GSP colonies, interested in fragging any of them??!? ;D
  12. zanoshanox

    upgrading from a 55 to a 75

    Yeah, that sounds good. i like the remoras, they do a great job.
  13. zanoshanox

    my fragging experiment

    Looks great, I'm thinking fo doing the same thing with mine, very nice!
  14. zanoshanox

    Tang in a 70 gallon reef?

    I have a blue tang that is about a half an inch in my 20 g right now. i knwo that sounds crazy, and I get the weirdest looks from people when I tell them I have a blue tang in my 20, but it's only semi-temporary and he's doing great right now. Once they get beyond about 5 inches I think they...
  15. zanoshanox

    upgrading from a 55 to a 75

    Looks great! I would recomend thinking about your next upgrade being filtration though becuase you will probably need a sump or real big canister like an FX5 for your 75 gallon Great job!
  16. zanoshanox

    First order from

    Thanks hardcrab! Here are some pics from this evening...
  17. zanoshanox

    Anyone got pics of their tanks under Sunpod MH lighting?

    Thanks, is that under the 14 k too or justt he actinics? How do you feel about this fixture?
  18. zanoshanox

    Green Ricordia

    I tot some rics in the mail from this site on Tuesday, and theyre doing great under 130 w PC in my 20 g.
  19. zanoshanox

    Green Ricordia

    What kidn fo lighting? Corallife is just a brand name not a type of fixture. How big is the tank? How big are the rics? What color? Yuma's or Florida's? Try to give us some info and we can help you out a little better