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  1. lobstergrabber

    complicated questians

    One note to be researched. I was looking into getting an ozonizer for a mixed reef andread somewhere that the ozonizer would slow growth or even be detrimental to softies. They feed off of particles in the water column that the ozonizer will eradicate. Would just be something to look into and...
  2. lobstergrabber

    HQI vs Mogul

    I have two 250 watt hqi fixtures similar to the ones posted above mounted approximately 6-7 inches off the top of my covered acrylic 125. They work great but with the acrylic covers on I do have heat issues so I added a chiller. With the lids off the temp never gets above 79 with two icecap...
  3. lobstergrabber

    Fl Panhandle Looking to trade

    Sorry it took me so long to respond once I have been back in town. While I was gone my tank decided to self destruct and all coral is now dead. While I was gone the chiller's thermostat decided to break and thought it was 180 degrees in tank so the chiller never shut off. I managed to save...
  4. lobstergrabber

    1/4 hp titanium chiller "drop in"

    If it were me I would put it right in front of the intake for the return pump Rich
  5. lobstergrabber

    1/4 hp titanium chiller "drop in"

    Never used the drop in type chiller but plenty of flow is good. You don't want the flow too slow or it will start freezing water. If you have he flow high it will just chill the wate a little each time by and it will get the temp where you want it that way. My chiller is on my closed loop and...
  6. lobstergrabber


    Originally Posted by aquatics24 Would these replacement bulbs be beneficial? or too much, Im mostly doing fish, but some corals, not alot tho. VHO T12, 10,000K Daytime bulbs 110w(x2) VHO T12, Actinic bulbs 110w(x2) total of 440watts???. Will it look too blue? They would work fine but will not...
  7. lobstergrabber

    encrusted gorgonian advice

    This Gargonian as do many others require light. Most people are used to seeing the deep water varieties which have adapted to live without the light. Rich
  8. lobstergrabber

    encrusted gorgonian advice

    Before you move it try giving it a little more flow by moving the power head and give it 2-3 more days. It should be just fine. It was open when you bought it right? Rich
  9. lobstergrabber

    Fl Panhandle Looking to trade

    I love those rics. Was hoping to find some sps frags or something especially monti caps and some different acro's. I will be out of town from the 15th to the 25th maybe we can work out a thermos trade when I get home. Rich
  10. lobstergrabber

    Gulf of Mexico Beach Sand?

    Originally Posted by GSD Silica bsaed sand does not leach silicates or at least to any point it makes a hill of beans worth of difference.. I have used nothing but sand from the Florida Panhandle since I started fooling with tanks and have never had a problem. Granted its not as good as...
  11. lobstergrabber

    Reef temperatures

    I have often thought about this myself. I keep my reef at 77 with one degree of variance before chiller comes on. I have a good mix of zoo's, lps and sps as of now and everything is very happy. Rich
  12. lobstergrabber

    Gulf of Mexico Beach Sand?

    The problem with Beach sand in the Gulf of Mexico is also that it is silica based which could leach silicates into your tank water and cause algae growth that would drive you nuts. It killed me to have to pay all that money for sand with the beach 5 minutes away but that is the way it is I...
  13. lobstergrabber

    encrusted gorgonian advice

    Ok 24 is not as bad as it looked to me from the pic. You are undoubtedly going to need some more light on that thing. That said not sure this coral won't do fine with what you have for a temporary basis. Try stacking your rock differently to get it up even higher in tank if it does not open...
  14. lobstergrabber

    encrusted gorgonian advice

    I still think you should not worry yet. How tall is that tank? You said in your original post you had 65 watt pc. Is that it or do you have multiple 65 watt bulbs? Your tank looks very tall for pcs to be effective. Rich
  15. lobstergrabber


    I have to agree that you need more light. That just isn't going to sustain anything over time. Get some more lights and get your power head then get some coral. Till then just don't rush. Rich
  16. lobstergrabber

    Fl Panhandle Looking to trade

    Yes send some pics please. Actually will be through there next week atleast driving through. We can definitely work something out. Rich
  17. lobstergrabber


    What I meant was if the shrimp lived the mushroom should live. As far as the lights go what do the bulbs look liki and how long are they? I could probably guess from there. As far as the Instant ocean I have used it for years with great success. I would not worry about changing water trying...
  18. lobstergrabber

    Good Practical Jokes

    Originally Posted by tank watch Reckler. Are you suggesting electricute someone? How would you feel if you stopped someone's heart with a prank like that? Not everyone could handle this kind of prank. He created an electromagnet is my guess, no electrocution. Keep em coming guys this is...
  19. lobstergrabber


    I think most of the mushrooms are safe to go pretty quick. I would think if you could keep the shrimp alive and had atleast a decent set of pc's you could go ahead and get shrooms anytime. Rich
  20. lobstergrabber

    encrusted gorgonian advice

    No problem, love to see a question on something I have experience with. Rich