Search results

  1. lobstergrabber

    coralife lights

    I don't think with pc's you have to worry about too much light. I am not sure another one of your fixtures will help in the way you want either. The fact is if you double the lights you have it will help give the corals in the top of the tank what they need but the pc's are only going to...
  2. lobstergrabber


    I won't swear to it but I think just any kind of light will do. You can even use cheapo shop lights because you want the algae to grow there. I think you fixture will be just fine. I was planning on putting full spectrum glow bulbs into two standard NO fixtures I have laying around for the...
  3. lobstergrabber

    You Know You Are Slow When....

    That tank is truly beautiful. Would love to know the ins and outs of the whole set up just to see where I am in comparison. As far as the snails and xenia I told you the others would get jealous, now you have started a trend. Keep up the awesome work you have a remarkable tank. Rich
  4. lobstergrabber

    Tigger pods

    thank you lion_crazz, I am assuming you put the bottle into a refugium and not into the main tank correct? I still have to run plumbing for my refugium but every time I go in the store I see that bottle and it gives me a jumpstart. I just need more space. Rich
  5. lobstergrabber

    Tigger pods

    I have seen this product called tigger pods in my LFS and on the net. It sounds great and a wonderful way to jump start a population of pods in a new refugium(which I am setting up now). Has anyone tried this product or know anyone who has that can provide feedback? I saw a couple of old posts...
  6. lobstergrabber

    You Know You Are Slow When....

    That is awesome when you see something like that. Better not let my snails see that or they will all want xenia also. How bout a full tank pic. Looks like a gorgeous tank. Rich
  7. lobstergrabber

    Refractometer question

    The one they sell is fine. I had one like it on my last tank and it worked great. Rich
  8. lobstergrabber

    please help with fish ID

    I would say sergeant major which is also a damsel.
  9. lobstergrabber


    That sucks. The guy I bought my tank from lost everything due to hurricane/power outage and I lost a good portion of my old tank to that as well. Hope everything else pulls through for you, generater probably seems awful cheap right now. Good Luck Rich
  10. lobstergrabber

    Chiller Advice

    My chiller is 1/3 horse power and does well. My tank was at about 83 as well before I got it plumbed in and turned on. It has had no problem keeping tank 77-78. Might not need a 1/3 but it sure does the job. Rich
  11. lobstergrabber

    algae on glass

    I think you have normal diatom algae going on there. It should die off eventually as excess nutrients are used up. Get some snails and they will help eat it away. You can use a scrubber to get it off if you want it off sooner. As far as the coraline algae it will grow everywhere in your tank...
  12. lobstergrabber

    Hi yall My name is Mary and we need help

    Give the 40 gallon a try first before the 2.5. I know alot of people do them but that small a water volume is tough to keep stable. Have fun, I know I do. Rich
  13. lobstergrabber

    Coral ID

    I ahd some of that in my previous tank and it reminded me of my purple finger gargonian but it just grew flat with no stalks. Mine were nice but you have to watch it because it grew like crazy. Did not seem to affect my other coral though. Rich
  14. lobstergrabber

    what filter do I need?

    The wet/dry should be plenty of filtration. If you set up a refugium also then even better. On a tank that size I would skip the power heads and set up a closed loop. That is what I have done on my 110. Wet/dry, refugium coming, skimmer, and closed loop with chiller. That is my plumbing in...
  15. lobstergrabber

    20g mini reef setup

    I think if you get a quality skimmer then between that and the live rock you would have plenty of filtration. Especially if you get the skimmer box. Then you have a place to run carbon, chemi-pure, or whatever else you may need to run. If you are going to do a sump/fuge it would give you alot...
  16. lobstergrabber

    20g mini reef setup

    I have to agree about the Aqua-c remora pro. I had one on my 40 and that thing was amazing. Why not skip the HOB filter all together and just get the filter box for the remora pro with mag3 and you have a place to run carbon or whatever you may need at the outflow. Just a suggestion. Rich
  17. lobstergrabber

    Chiller Temp

    Thanks, that is what I had set it at from start up. I thought I could remember some people way back when running theirs several degrees colder but could not find the threads. It sure is good to be back in the hobby.
  18. lobstergrabber

    2 much light?

    I don't think you have too much to worry about. The only issues would be heat from the lights and a long light cycle will make algae grow faster if it is present. Being that it only happened one day, no harm no foul. If you already have a timer, check to see if it has skipped its programming...
  19. lobstergrabber

    Chiller Temp

    Been a while since I have been around but nice to see a lot of new names around and a few of the old ones as well. I recently set up my new 110 gal tank. It was a steady 83 till I got the chiller plumbed last night. What is everyones recomendation for reef temp. I want to keep it cool enough...
  20. lobstergrabber

    Wet Dry Filter ????

    The overflow box is ultimately the deciding factor in your question. If we knew how big the pipe in the overflow drain was we could give you and estimate on how many gallons per hour(GPH) it could handle. As far as your pump is concerned it will send water back into the tank and as long as it is...