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  1. sean48183

    ?snowflake eel?

    That tank size is fine. I have a year and half old one which is around 20" long and lives in a conch shell. Thats right - curls his long ole body in this thing and just sits with his head barely hanging out. Has a whole 150g to cruise about in but just sits in the shell. Really only see him at...
  2. sean48183

    Skimmer of choice for a 150

    I have the octo 300 recirc on my 150g and it is pretty wicked. It is rather large so you would need some room for this baby.
  3. sean48183

    updated pics

    WOW! Great tank. Love the mixture of sps and softies. What kind of lighting, filtration and how often and what do you feed?
  4. sean48183

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    I don't know about that but I do know mine is pulling out some nasty junk and it is probably not stuff that anything in my tank will eat. I think it pulls out the crap somewhere between the full fecies stage and the nitrate stage but I am just speculating. And if you happen to accidentally put...
  5. sean48183

    ID Naso Spots

    Yeah I recommend turnip greens from the grocery store. My naso goes mad for it and I get great growth from my tangs with it.
  6. sean48183

    A few questions I need answers to. PLEASE!

    Originally Posted by Oceansidefish Really????? If you leave them they will all be dead in a few months. This is kind of a wild statement. I kept a sailfin that is still with me going on four years now with 7 other fish in a 55 for 2 years with nitrates at 0 ppm. I had a massive hair algae...
  7. sean48183

    A few questions I need answers to. PLEASE!

    First off how old is your set up. Nitrites are part of nitrification process that happens when a tank is first set up and goes away never too be seen after the first few weeks. Water changes will help this as well as time. Secondly I think you have some fish that are ill suited for a 55g. The...
  8. sean48183

    crocodile fish?

    My lfs had one about a year ago and I did the same thing. Thought about buying him and went home and looked it up. Thing gets 3-4' long and is brutally carniverous. It was weird how much his face looked just like a crocodile though.
  9. sean48183

    Humu Humu Trigger & Shrimps

    I have had 10" huma's attack me in hawaii. Very aggressive and will eat all crustaceans. Next time your in a lfs stick your face up against the glass with a huma in it and see what happens. When a fish is smashing its face in the glass to get at your be afraid, be very afraid. Coral safe just...
  10. sean48183

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    Hey Santa Monica where do you get rug canvas at? Does home depot carry it? This runner I have has some kind of rough surface lines in it. There about a 1" wide and about an inch apart. If some algae doesn't grow soon I will switch out for rug canvas. Has only been running at full potential for...
  11. sean48183

    Has anybody ever seen this very interesting clown fish

    Just gold stripe maroons with dim lighting.
  12. sean48183

    ID Naso Spots

    Not stress spots that I have ever seen. Looks like some kind of infection. I would feed him a little heavier over the next couple weeks. Might recover from this to be a healthy normal fish. Try turnip greens from the grocery store. My naso goes mad for this.
  13. sean48183

    Pellets or Flakes?

    Yeah variety is good like jackri stated. Just one con for flake is it tends to float and the fish have to go to the surface. My fish tend to splash alot at the surface soaking my lights and me. If you are just keeping clowns and another small fish I wouldn't worry about this too much however.
  14. sean48183


    Use the 2 part putty epoxy that you have to roll in your fingers to harden. That gel stuff will not work. I doubt will even harden in the water.
  15. sean48183

    Video of feeding time...

    Nice Vid. That is one big hippo. What is that leafy thing your feeding him. Is it collard greens? I thought I was the only one feeding this stuff.
  16. sean48183

    My neighbor's wife is getting on him about the cost...

    Your neighbor should say "Your right honey this hobby is too expensive. Hookers would be cheaper!"
  17. sean48183

    Problem with Blonde Naso Tang

    Those white spots are just from being stressed. No worries.
  18. sean48183

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    I am still using my skimmer for 2 reasons the first is I want to pull out as much crud before it breaks down as possible and 2nd is just in case someone dumps something in my tank(kids) or I stick my hands in with some kind of soap or grease or something. Skimmer is great for removing contaminants.
  19. sean48183

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    Oh yeah here is a pic of display tank.