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  1. sean48183

    Feed a Cichlid to My Lionfish?

    Give the lion a little treat and throw the cichlid in. I got a tomato clown that your lion might like also. I'll ship him to you if you video it so I can watch.
  2. sean48183

    Feeding Snowflake eel

    Try raw shrimp and squid from the grocery store. Pretty cheap and lasts awhile. Cut a chunk about the size of his head and thaw it out then put it on a feeding stick and put around his face. When mine was that size I fed him everyday. Now he is about 22" long and I feed him everyother day. I...
  3. sean48183

    Sea hare experiment

    Sorry I did not update this thread like my original plan but laziness got the better of me. My sea hare never really took to the algae as it crawled all over it but never really looked like it was eating it. I removed his carcass a few days ago. It was nice of him to die in the open where I...
  4. sean48183

    What to put with a Domino Damsel??

    I have a 4 stripe that I have had for 3 years and he is maybe the most docile fish in my tank. Hides alot and gets bullied by dwarf angels. In your 90g I think you should be alright with any semiaggressive type addition especially if you have some decent hiding spots.
  5. sean48183

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    Only 12 hours after sanding this thing down and I am getting excellent brown growth on this thing. I guess it really was just too slick for the algae to grab hold of. Thanks for the heads up Santa Monica. Will post a pic in a few days and hopefully will have some real nasty stuff going on.
  6. sean48183

    Blue hippo Vs powder blue

    Yeah strange it is aggressive to the lunar. The algae blenny is understandable since it would eat it's beloved algae.
  7. sean48183

    Blue hippo Vs powder blue

    Both look great IMO but the hippo is way less aggressive. Powder Blue fall into the aggressive catergory IMO.
  8. sean48183

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    Alright went and got the plastic canvas but the holes in it were causing a problem with my set up do to the angle it is on. So I pulled out the carpet runner and sanded the crap out of it with 60 grit paper. Man this thing is so ruff I thought I was gonna cut my finger on it. I hope this will do...
  9. sean48183

    algae sheets

    Originally Posted by AquaKnight I will also add, if you plan on feeding terrestrial greens, make sure you wash them extra, extra good. Bit of fertilizer to you or me might not do anything, but to a fish could have serious repercussions. Yeah I always do. As for the freezing it is necessary for...
  10. sean48183

    algae sheets

    Just keep putting in there everyday. I promise you sooner or later they will eat it. In fact when they see you grab the clip they will come racing to the spot your going to put at. Mine are tearing at it while I'm trying to put it on the glass. Also something you can do is put small peices in...
  11. sean48183

    Funny things your fish do

    My snowflake and big hermit used to wrestle for food all the time. I would feed the hermit a big peice of squid and the snowflake would climb in his shell and they would roll around the sand fighting for it. The snowflake would always win but look pretty cuffed up for it. My lunar chases his own...
  12. sean48183

    Do I have enough light for a rock anemone?

    Rock anenomes? Are you refering to a condy? I have only heard of aptasia refered to as rock anenomes and you don't want them growing in your tank!
  13. sean48183

    reef trigger

    Why do you suppose they keep dying?
  14. sean48183

    Another ***** Steal!!!

    The one by my house had an 8" queen angel for 39.99 a few years back. At the time I only had a 55g and was really bummed. It died a week later. I knew it was gonna because they had it in a 20g tank and probably weren't giving it any sponge material. They are now out of business. Real shocker.
  15. sean48183

    If you've been to the aquarium in Atlanta...

    150 a pair. I had 100's of them swimming around me in the bahamas. I should have snatched some up.
  16. sean48183

    Hippo Tangs

    Lack of nutritional diet or poor water conditions probably a big part of it. I have seen big ones that are beautiful and some that are a mess.
  17. sean48183

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    Think I'll go check out this rug canvas today.
  18. sean48183

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    After 7 days I am just starting to get growth. Small dark brown spots are starting to grow. Suprised it took this long but maybe I will try the 27k bulbs. Here are some pics so far. You can see there is not much growth really.
  19. sean48183

    What about Bob?

    I doubt your tomato was standing guard. He was probably waiting for him to come back out so he could finish him off! As for Bob that is very weird behavior but he might be fattening them up for thankgiving dinner.
  20. sean48183


    Mine is 20' long and is kept with damsels, chromis, and a purple psuedochromis. In a year and a half he has never messed with a fish. Any crustacean will be a problem.