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  1. sean48183

    Old tank syndrome-ish? Really out of ideas.

    Sounds great. remember to pull out that algae from your sump every couple weeks. As it starts to grow on to itself it will kill some algae underneath releasing nitrates. If you do this and keep the light cranking you shouldn't have any problems. Good luck and post a pic in a few weeks.
  2. sean48183

    Angel in Reef Experiences

    I think alot of stuff in this hobby is trial and error. You have to try for yourself sometimes. I think there is a by the book attitutude alot of lfs owners and hobbiest go by. For me I like to find out for myself. Like my 2 dwarf angels. THe lfs guy told me 2 dwarfs in a reef would never work...
  3. sean48183

    Angel in Reef Experiences

    Never kept a large angel in a reef but have 2 dwarf angels in a softy reef and neither is a problem. Maybe a problem with sps but can't help you there.
  4. sean48183

    Old tank syndrome-ish? Really out of ideas.

    I wouldn['t start over. You have some good corals there that are expensive to replace and they are growing so something good is happening in your tank. If you haven't already removed your sandbed you can do so buy siphoning it out during a water change. Just run the hose over the sand bed and...
  5. sean48183

    red slime algee???

    If its only in the sump why worry? It actually is good for your water by removing phosphates and nitrates.
  6. sean48183

    New Tank Build - The Beast

    What about a miniatus grouper if your not planning on keeping any small fish.
  7. sean48183

    A ~19,000 Gallon Fish Tank

    Bummer about the fish farm but I bet you had one heck of a fish fry. Plans look great keep us posted.
  8. sean48183

    Old tank syndrome-ish? Really out of ideas.

    That's alright you don't need alot of flow. The water actually needs some time to hang around the sump and get filtered by the algae and then sent back to your main tank. That lights of america light is a great one for a pretty good price. Usually the bulb for that is 65k if I remember...
  9. sean48183

    4 inch bristle worm

    I wouldn't worry about it. Bristle worms for the most part are beneficial. Eat crap in the tank. If I flip over some of my small rocks on the bottom of my tank I will see a half dozen or so at any one time. My lunar and psuedo go bonkers mashing on them when I do this. My purple psuedo was...
  10. sean48183

    Old tank syndrome-ish? Really out of ideas.

    Don't worry about clean up crews and taking your rocks out. Both are expensive and a pain in the a$$. I have been at this for six years now and have gone through every possible crappy problem you can have in this hobby. We need to focus on your sump like you said earlier. What kind of power...
  11. sean48183

    Psuedochromis damsel and trigger

    Had a purple psuedo in a 55g with a 4 stripe, blue devil and blue w/yellow tail for 3 years and he held his own just fine. Still have all of them but they are in my 150g now for another 3 years. Psuedo's are tough and he will adjust. I would try moving the rocks around or chase the damsel with a...
  12. sean48183

    Flame angel/snowflake eel/Blonde Naso Tang/Zebra Lionfish/Sailfin scorpionfish

    If your really in to the scorpion you could definatly make it part of your reef down the road after you have gotten in the swing of things a little bit. Scorpions are reef safe in that they don't eat corals but they do put a heavy bioload on your filtration. In a 55g for aggressive options you...
  13. sean48183

    Was Given a 125 tank w/fish

    yes quite normal. Just the maturation of the tank. What kind of filtration do you have on this tank and lighting?
  14. sean48183

    red slime

    ERYTHROMYACIN-Get it at any pet store. I use Mardels Marycan but there is a ton of different brands. Antibiotic and Cyano is a bacteria. Eats this stuff up in a couple days. First turn off skimmer. Add half the recommended dosage. Leave tank alone for 48 hours. Check it out and if still some...
  15. sean48183

    i could just CRY - help ID this agae

    Believe it or not that kind of algae is a sign your tank is doing good. Every time I got my tank to where it is running smoothly this kind of algae grows. It is some kind of microalgae and my dwarf angels love it constantly picking at the glass where this brown stuff is growing. It does come...
  16. sean48183

    new clown + anemone

    No it's not a clown goby. I checked it out and I believe it is juvenile bluehead wrasses. They are cleaner wrasses as juveniles that hang out in condy's for security but as they mature they head out and become blue head wrasses. I guess that's why you never see them together in home aquariums...
  17. sean48183

    new clown + anemone

    I wouldn't recommend trying to get the clown in to your condy. The condy will most likely perish because the clown will iritate it to death. However there is a small yellow fish (maybe a goby) that can live in these anenomes. I saw them in cozumel and there would be about 20 of these little guys...
  18. sean48183

    Trigger Aggression

    Heres a good way to test if a fish is aggressive. When in LFS put your face against glass-if fish runs to back of tank not aggressive-if fish sits there and looks at you like he doesn't give a f&%k beware. For example I put my face close to glass with butterflies and they scatter. Do the same...
  19. sean48183

    new clown + anemone

    The bigger one usually becomes the female. If you have a small one buy a big one and vice versa and it should work. Condy's are beautiful anenomes as the get bigger so you didn't do all bad. However they do require extreme light. If you have ever seen them in they ocean they are usually in 20'...
  20. sean48183

    New Fish wont eat

    Originally Posted by Flower I have had fish take up to 3 weeks to start coming out and eating. Remember your new critter is stressed. There is food in and on the rock they can eat that you don't see. So the new guy may eat in hiding. Time is all it takes. Ditto